Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Need to lose weight fast? -

I m 13, 162 lbs, and 5 6 . my family and I are going to the beach in June and I m going to a summer camp in July so i need to lose weight fast. all help is appreciated. thanks!

162 and 5 6 isn t that overweight actually. I think that approx. 22.5 is ideal BMI, with about 18-22% PBF (though it goes up as you get older), so you d probably want to try to lose about 20 lbs to be optimal . Of course, in two months, that is an unhealthy goal to obtain, through healthy dieting and workout would put you in the healthy zone (approx 154 to not be considered medically overweight for someone 5 6)Watch your calories. You need to burn 3500 Calories in order to lose 1lb. You also need to maintain approx. 2000-2500 calories per day in order to stay healthy. Cut out empty calories and junk food, and try to maintain this level, and your metabolism should be fine.Exercise. Cardio helps the most when needing to lose weight, so run, jog, bike, swim and hike your way to a healthier life style. Stay healthy. Losing about 2-3 pounds per week is a healthy rate of weight loss, with any more being dangerous. This means you want to burn about 7000-10500 calories per week.

shake diet... it s a non dangerous starvation diet... all you do is drink shakes for 3-4 days... if you haven t reached you goal... rest for 2-3 days... no bread just protein and some fruit... then do another round... my friend lost 15 pounds in one round... just dont exercise during the round... but inbetween i would recommend exercising a lot... you should do the round during the week... you could get some friends to go running with you during the weekend... just be careful... because if you do this for to long you could get hurt... good luck!!!!!

Eat breakfast in the morning like oatmeal. It s healthy, will give you energy and won t weigh you down. Drink eight glasses of distilled water daily and a piece of fruit after every meal like an apple or pear. This will help move things along. For lunch drink water and eat something nutritious and for dinner eat chicken or fish preferably baked with some steamed vegetable (don t over cook them). Complete eating by 6 or 7 pm this will give your body time to digest what you have eaten and if you are hungry only eat a piece of fruit and drink water. Also get out in the Sun and walk around the block or somewhere for half an hour. You will loose the weight and/or inches and look/feel great. Best to you.

don t skip healthy, skipthe shitty sugaryfoods. you don tneed chips or junkfood. exercising isgood too ( :

I m sorry to say that there is really no fast way.Eat a good breakfast, a good lunch, and a light dinner.Try not to snack much in-between meals, but if you must then make it healthy things like fruits.Forget about chips, ice cream, chocolate, etc. If your going to lose weight you have to be really dedicated. Exercise. Exercise. Exercise. Swimming burns calories like crazy. Also, try spinning, running, soccer, tennis, etc. Try doing at least 30-45 minutes of one of these every day. Make a playlist on your iPod that makes you want to dance. Lock yourself in your room and dance BECAUSE no one is watching. Walk for half an hour to one hour every day. It will help set your body to a tone. Drink a lot of water. It will NOT make you bloated, but it will help you loose weight.In order to lose weight, you have to burn 500 more calories than you consume a day. Do the math. Record everything you eat and find out how much calories it has (try and compare it to the amount of calories you burned that day.Good luck! If you stay dedicated to this, you might be able to lose a couple pounds before your camp!Have fun :D

there is no fast shortcut.flawless diet and intense exercise including weightlifting is the fastest and best way to lose weight and gain lean body mass

Diet and exercise.Eat things that are high in protein and low in fat (chicken, plain tuna) as well as a lot of fruits and vegetables. Stop eating empty calories (basically anything that comes in a wrapper). Carbs are the best form of pure energy so eat your Carbs at the begining of the day. Make sure your eating complex carbs (whole wheat bread , whole grain pasta, etc.) and not simple carbs (white bread, regular pasta).Cardiovascular exercise is the best way to lose fat fast. Run or ride a bike but make sure you push yourself to your limits if you want to see results.