Thursday, September 11, 2014


I am willing to try anything! i need to lose weight fast please help me.if you know anything that helps speed up the losing weight process please let me know. im tired of lookin like this, tried everything, have no money for lipo. SERIOUS PEOPLE ONLY!

* Take one pound at a time* Set Reachable Goals* Stay off the scales* Stay focused on being healthy, not thin* Fat Free?* Drink plenty of water* Reward yourself* Seek help if you need it* Watch your portions* Eat your food slowly- Healthy life every day!

bottom line.....caloreis in must be less than calories burned. 500 calories less per day than what you burn up as energy= a defecit of 3500 calories in 1 week which transalates into lb of weight loss in a week. to be safe, one should not lose more than 2 lbs in a week, that amounts to 1000 calories less per day than what you burn. Find out how many caloreis you burn in a day with your age, level of activity, body type, any Registered dietician can help you with this. trying to lose faster than this will only result in frustration for you and you will end up binging and eating more and gaining weight insteade of losing. another very important part of loling weight is increasing your activity. a good way of being more active is walking 4-5 miles daily 7 days a week if possible. 1 mile of brisk walking burns approxmately 100 calories. hope this helps

I understand that you want to lose weight fast. Sounds like there s a certain occasion/event coming up. However, do not give in to diet pills and water fasts. These are unhealthy and will only lower your metabolism and cause you to hold on to body fat. I work in the health industry and what I hate more than anything is all the wrong information that is out there! Magazines want to sell their copies by showing you pictures of models that are doing easy workouts by lifting a can of peas. Companies want to sell diet pills by fooling you into thinking that there is a magic pill. The only thing that will help you get to your ideal self is #1 Nutrition #2 Exercise #3 Mindset. You need to be open to going through a learning process of teaching yourself how to eat healthy and how to make exercise part of your lifestyle and not just a fad diet. Esentially, with nutrition if you can cut out all white flour and white sugar out of your diet you will see dramatic changes! With exercise, consistently doing some kind of workout regimen is crucial to your health. You need to lift big to get small. So it does take a lot of work, but it can be a fun process. I know you can do it! If you need any more guidance, feel free to email me, I d be more than happy to help coach you along as I do this every day for my clients. Good luck! :)

This is a tricky question because if you want 2 lose weight the healthy (best/right) way, it will take time and won t happen overnight, however if you really want to lose weight fast. Drink lots of water, no sweets at all, lots of fruits, veggies, some protein, and limit how many carbs you eat, not all carbs are bad for you, however too many carbs is a bad thing. Just make you eat plenty of low/no fat foods, little calories, and low on the carbs.1. Lots of water2. Lowest amount of calories without starving and depriving yourself3. Limit your carbs, try whole grain foods, avoid white breads and pastas.4. Eat 4-5 small meals a day, (Rather than 2 or 3 large meals)5. Go to the gym at least 4 days a week and do different intensity intervals. Ex: Walk for 30 seconds, then Jog for 90, Run for 60, then Walk again.The keys to losing weight is moderation (a sort of balance) and time.Note: Losing weight too fast is extremely unhealthy and will cause you to put back on the weight just as fast.Honestly: It s recommended that you lose no more than 1-2 pounds a week.Best of Luck! :)

Losing weight is not easy and it took more than a day to gain it, so it s going to take more than a day to lose it. To safely lose weight you need to figure out what will be easiest on you, your schedule and your energy level. Make sure you are drinking your 8 glasses of water, cut out all the sweets, fatty foods and fast foods. Can you walk to where ever you go during the day? What diets have you tried?Fad diets are just that fads...losing weight too fast does have health consequences that are not friendly to your body. You take a chance on causing more harm than good.Check out this link to web m.d. and look around for some other tips

Hi,The actual quantity of food you eat is not the issue. Food is not the enemy and it isn t the reason why you are overweight. In fact, food is the most powerful fat burning tool. The reason why you ve failed to lose weight and more importantly keep it off is because you ve been eating the wrong types of foods and the wrong type of calories at the wrong times of day!Your thyroid gland produced a hormone called Thyroxine that raises the metabolic rate of almost all the cells in your body. The increase in metabolism helps you to feel more energetic, burn more calories, and therefore allows you to lose weight faster. The activity of Thyroxine is controlled entirely by the type of food and the time you eat. Therefore, if you eat the correct foods at the correct times of day, you will subsequently super-charge your metabolism and lose weight! By manipulating this concept, your body has virtually no choice but to dissolve those immovable pockets of fat that you ve been trying to rid yourself of for years.When I was a teen, I was slim, I could wear whatever I want, my body looked good, even my face was slim. I m 31 now, and I get disgusted and hate it everytime I look in the mirror. I was fat, my face looked like a watermelon. God knows how sad I was since all the good and nice clothes out there didn t carry my size. Each and every time, I came home from shopping depressed, upset and I ended up hating myself even more. I d tried low carb, low fat, extremely low calorie diets mixed with running but it never seemed to work. Whenever I would go back to eating a normal amount , I gained back the weight I had lost, and then a few pounds more. It was so discouraging! I was searching through the Internet looking for fat loss programs when I came across a web site. After reading about the program, I felt some hope that I could get back into shape. I will admit that I am skeptical about weight loss programs but this program offered a money back guarantee, which gave me the chance to try this without fear of wasting my money. I tried it and I am so thrilled that I did. I have lost 58 pounds so far since 8 weeks ago, and feel great about continuing to lose the fat and reach my goals. I m never hungry with this program. It seems that I eat more than ever before.My advice is, you don t need to spend a fortune to reach your goal, just like i do. If you really want to change then surf the link at the source below or else you will get ripped off from online weight loss scam and stay fat forever.

Obesity has become a major health problem around the world. Many companies have brought diet pills, medicines, powders and weight-loss belts in the market. Though these products claim to aid weight-loss, the weight reduction is temporary. Besides, the pills and powders can adversely affect your health. Here we offer you some tips to reduce weight successfully, without any negative health effects.1 Reduce fat intake: 2 Reduce intake of sugar:3 Decrease alcohol consumption: 4 Stay away from processed, fast and junk foods since they are laden with fat and sugar. 5 Reduce quantity of food without going hungry:6 Adopt regular eating habits:7 Raise the amount of physical activity:8 Learn a new hobby or interest: 9 Improve your metabolism by eating natural foods: 10 Control your appetite:

If you want to lose some weight fast, this can help you!My wife lost over 60 pounds last year through eating the right things. She has an extremely bad back and is unable to exercise at all. All of the weight she lost was through proper dieting alone.I had her feed me according to the same diet and I lost 30 pounds in about 16 weeks, but I also exercised.My wife did it through a diet center that she paid quite a bit of money to. Of course, she got supplements and stuff through them that I couldn t get.

I highly recommend you my weight loss way. It works very well and easy. If you are very serious about losing weight. You should check this out weight loss correct way. It will work for you if you do it correct. I lost 21 pounds in 35 days with this way. You can get more info here link below.

you need to find an exercise and eating (notice I didn t say DIET) plan that works for you; You also need to find a strenuous physical activity that you actually enjoy, it might just be walking. Pretty soon your friends will be asking you for advice!Good luck, you can do this!!

Drinking more water is key, b/c you need to keep your body hydrated. Do NOT go for diet energy drinks, b/c they contain too much sugar. (Cut out starches and sugar from your diet... pasta, potatos,white bread) Get the crystal light packets, and mix a pack with some bottled water. This way, you ll still get the water that you need but with some flavor! And they are only 5 calories a packet. Cut back on your calorie intake in during the day.... Eat more fresh fruits and veggies... they really do fill you up believe it or not! And be sure to get plenty of exercise... do cardio exercise... These will get your metabolism up. Hope that helps you out some!... =)

You need a special diet, special exercise, and a trainer. That is the best way to loose weight. If you try to loose weight too fast using inappropriate methods you will probably put it back on later.

Anyone trying to lost weight fast should look into the Acai Berry. It is one of the most nutritional foods on earth. The high vitamins and anti-oxidents in Acai contributes to rapid weight loss.

* Take one pound at a time* Set Reachable Goals* Stay off the scales* Stay focused on being healthy, not thin* Fat Free?* Drink plenty of water* Reward yourself* Seek help if you need it* Watch your portions* Eat your food slowly

Then you need to exercise it helps alot and do not drink soda

the only thing that will make you loose weight VERY fast is a water fast i think.

if you re tired of looking like that, then EXERCISE.don t be lazy...