go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food after 7 p.m.I know a woman who lost 60 pounds a month on it. She did nothing else!
If you want to lose some weight fast, this can help you!More infomation the link: http://www.healthylifeday.com/index.php?option=com_content task=view id=203 Itemid=62My wife lost over 60 pounds last year through eating the right things. She has an extremely bad back and is unable to exercise at all. All of the weight she lost was through proper dieting alone.I had her feed me according to the same diet and I lost 30 pounds in about 16 weeks, but I also exercised.My wife did it through a diet center that she paid quite a bit of money to. Of course, she got supplements and stuff through them that I couldn t get.lose weight fast - Healthy life every day!search: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en lr= newwindow=1 as_qdr=all q=-answers.yahoo+%22Lose+weight+FAST%21+-+Healthy+life+every+day%21%22 btnG=Search
That depends on your age. If you are a teen, then do what I do. Remember, there is no point in exercising yourself, you WILL get bored, and not do the right things. I have track practice in school everyday after school. I hate track, but I do it for my health. I cant stop running in track because i am forced to. I also have my friends there to make things better. So you should take classes of any sports or join them in your school. This will make you grow taller and lose a lot of weight-- I know i did. There is no point in eating less. If you eat less, you wont grow tall. So start exercising with other people, and remember to have fun. I hope this would work for you!
hi dear,take a look at this program it provides a method by which you can lose weight say like 9 LBs. every 11 days and it really works in a healthy way, see for yourself http://overweight-professional.co.nr , hope it helps.
don;t eat?