Monday, January 18, 2016

Does weight lifting and running help you lose weight faster then just running and not lifting weights? -

I saw on T.V. that you could run for 2 hours and it doesn t really do you any good unless you weight lift along with your running... I juts didn t know if that was true or not because it makes since because weight lifting builds more muslce and more muslce burns more fat so I just wanted to know if that was ture or not....

It is true that it takes more calories to support muscle than fat, so if you do weights and cardio then you will lose fat faster, however, since muscle weighs more than fat you might gain weight while losing fat. The show on t.v. about running not doing you any good is wrong. I am not sure what they said but your statement about the show is incorrect. You can lose lots of weight by running 2 hours per day, as long as your not eating more calories than you are burning.

yes it does, but keep your running time with in 30 to 45mins at a high intensity level. do not run for two hours or more your body will begin to use your glycogen stored in your muscle for energy. that is not good if your are trying to maintain muscle or grow muscle. Just look at your marathon runners for example.

yea running will make you loose alot even muscles if you dont work out,,,u have to maintain a high protein diet to get that nice cut physic,,,,both running and weightlifting come together to get a cut,strong and well built body,,,only working out will get you big but mayb not as cut. if you only run u will get skinny with not muscle its better to do both