Thursday, January 21, 2016

How to lose weight fast? -

exercise daily,go on diet(dessert once a week optional)

HI. I m a 13 year old boy. And I used to be very overweight. I used to weight 221 lbs!! I ve lost 80 lbs now in lat 6 months. What I did was I cut out ALL the pop all the sugary snacks and junk food such as: pizza, chips, cookies, pies, cakes, doughnuts, and all pop. I just stopped cold turkey. Then I started walking at the local high school with my dad. 10 laps each nigh. I lost 10 lbs in the first 2 weeks. And I kept it up and kept it up. Then about 3 months ago I joined the gym with my dad. I workout. I do the bike, tred mill, weight lifting, and all the good exercises. Do crunches to build your muscle! And for your meals heres what you eat. Breakfast: Have some oatmeal very good for your heart, egg beaters, 100% whole wheat bread for toast. Lunch:Have some good meats like, tuna, chicken, and all the good lean meats. Dinner, get all the fruits and veges and protein you can. Drink A lot of water. Don t freak out if you weigh more after drinking water. It s just water weight and will go away when you go the bathroom. So I hope I could help you in your journey to weight loss. GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS YOU! (:

simply reduce your calorie intake for example my goal weight is 165 when I type this in the computer I must eat 1717 instead of 2000 to get to this weight by august

If you lose weight fast, you have a lesser chance of it staying off. Do it the old Fashion way, eating healthy and exercise. It s not like it will take forever.. but it certainly won t take only a week :]

Allot of exercises, determination to NEVER give up, be and stay strong throughout your daily diet. Intake less or smaller portions of food, eat healthy greens. Absolutely no colored water, except water, let water be your best friend. Also,exercise about 2hours a day with at least 4, 10 minute breaks in between. Mostly exercise and healthy eating.