Thursday, January 21, 2016

What diet can i do to lose weight fast?? easy 10 points!!!? -

i m around 15, 5 2 and 127 pounds. i m not really fat but i need to lose some weight (i want to get down to 110) i want to lose the weight as soon as i can, i don t have much time to exercise so mostly diet will have to do, please help me? thanks!!xoxo,jules

If you have terrible sweet cravings (like i do), check out the 100 calories packs- everything from Special K bars, Oreos, Oreo cakes, Little Debbies, Lorna Doones, graham can also get 100 calorie popcorns and yogurts. If you get a particularly bad craving, drink a mug of fairly warm water first- the warm water makes you feel fuller, and your stomach thinks that its being fed. If you re still hungry after that, eat a snack pack.It s not the healthiest way, but i m assuming you don t really care about that :D as much exercise as you can (even tho you don t have a lot of time, it ll boost your metabolism), eat around 1000 calories/day...honestly, i found that Diet Pepsi Max- has a lot of ginsing and caffeine- helps cure my appetite. Eat SOMETHING, whether its a 100 cal snack pack or what, as soon as you get up in the morning- this will jump start your metabolism- and eat every three to four doesn t make much sense i guess, but it ll keep your hunger level low. Stacker 2 s (make sure Yerba Mate is one of the ingredients) work really well too. Drink lots of flavored water or teas throughout the day.

Try the Weigh Down Diet(there s a book on it). Its not so much a diet, simply a way of life. Only eat when you are truly hungry, and stop when you re full. If you want some chocolate, go ahead and have some because that is what you re body truly wants, but don t eat five chocolate bars! Just have a few pieces. Just be balanced with what you eat, but don t give up the foods that you enjoy. and of course drink lots of water. Stay strong and you CAN do it :)

try drinking a lot of water, and eating more veggies than meat, and try to avoid junk food.i hope i helped. =]

stop eating