Wednesday, March 16, 2016

How to lose weight in at least 5 days? -

Okay, so like, I m 13 and I m 121.4 lbs. I m 5 feet 2 inches and I want to fit into my swimsuits. I notice that I m eating alot everyday but I pull it off by trying to drink more water eat less portions and excerisise. It s been kind of hard for me because I m not a very athletic person, and I m very slow. I want to be at least 115 pounds.. And I want to maintain that what. Please give me some good advices..-Moony

The Fat X diet and workout program would be your best option. The workout and diet videos are free at ...

First thing is eat less.Then do some exercise like walking a long distance.

Drink lots of water.Eat very very healthy foods.Walk atleast 3 miles a day.Do 100 - 300 sit ups daily.the day before you go in your suit dont drink to much water or eat to much. you dont want to look bloated

im also trying to lose weight and im 14.just have faith in yourself and stay should also cut down on your food, no rice or a lot of veggies and fruit.don t drink pop, drink should also try working out 30-60 mins a day.