Friday, June 17, 2016

Along with exercise and diet, should I use weight supplements to lose weight faster? -

I wouldn t. Many of those supplements help you lose weight but if you go off them, you gain it back anyways. You most definitely do not want to rely on them to maintain weight. And whatever you do, don t try Alli-that new prescription strength otc weight loss pill. It helps you lose .5 lbs for every pound you lose, has horrible side effects and once you go off of it, the weight comes right back.Just excersize and eat healthy and you should be fine.

No, I don t believe in them. Take it from personal experience. In Jan I weighed 245 lbs. Last week I weighed in at 237 lbs. Simply between eating better and cutting out junk food, I actuall feel better already and I have to buy new pants to fit what s left of my big fanny. Pills usually conatin nothing more than overpriced vitamins and caffine. Both of which make your body work harder than it should. Continue diet exercise. It s the only proven way of losing weight.

Not sure if you mean diet supplements? Really for me it took Healthy Package downloads from and boot camp workout P90X from

That largely depends on age... If you are younger than 20, then no... Your natural hormones are more than enough to help you loose weight. Just keep up the exercise...