Monday, July 18, 2016

How can a 13 year old girl lose weight fast in 2 months ? -

i am 13 year old girl weighting 140lbs. at a height of 5 4. i want to lost weight before school starts since i am tired of being make fun of for being fat and not fitting into clothes. i want a way of losin weight that i can do by myself without relying on my family or others to help. usually, i ask them to take me runnin, they wouldnt do so. and my neighborhood is really dangerous so thats why i can t exercise or go running around there. im just trying to lost 10 -20 lbs. please please can someone help me!!

hunny, your only 13, chillax and dont freak bout yo bod, but if u really got an issue, a change in diet, and 20-30 minutes(minimum) of vigorus exercize(running/ jogging/ biking) and drinking lotsa aqua should help(i just did a course in phs. fitness and health for my high school, so i know what im talkin bout)start your workouts at a very low level and set gaols for yourself to work up to, if you start at a really fast pace, you ll hate everything and quitjust to let you know, runnung and jogging helps burn fat, curl ups and push ups build muscle... there s a differencealso, the only real way to loose wieght and keep it off is bydoing what i said, cause none of those crash diets or proven to work diets really work... you can still eat regular foods, just watch the portion size, calories, sugars, and carbs... everbody needs a little carbs though especially if you play a sport, (which would also help in losing weight)Also, there is a guy down on the list that says that you have a slow metabolism... he is so wrong! Because you are so young it is important to get into shape now!(How you behave now is pretty much how you ll behave as an adult...) Oh, yea, and did you know that when we as younger teenagers are just sitting in a classroom at our desks listening to a teacher talk we are burning more calories than a 40 year old who is jogging? That s why you should get in shape now... you can burn stuff off faster...DO NOT STOP EATING WHATEVER YOU DO!!! been there done that, you arent helping yourself at all... you can actually gain weight by doing that, because everytime your body does get food, it will automaticly store it as fat because it is preparing for future starvng...if you have stairs in your house, run them, get a treadmill, do jump rope, raise some money so you can go to a health club like body plex or somethingA Reminder: you dont go on a diet, you change your diet, because if you dont change your diet, you just put all that weight right back on...Dont focus on losing it fast either, it s the quality that countd because otherwise you ll end up starving, or the extreme opposite...You should only loose about 1-2 lbs a week(that s the safe amount)Good Luck!

Well okay I had the same problem when I was young. What I did was I ate only three meals a day. No snacks! And I know you eat them because I ve been there lolz! Stay strong and try not to eat when your not hungry. Keep a food journal, keep it with you all the time and look at it when your about to eat something to see if its not going to be too much. Review it and see what things you can eliminate from you diet. When you do eat your three meals dont eat too much especially at dinner. Try not to eat too late. ummm...lets see also try to exercise jumping jacks, dancing, some thing active! Best of Luck!Hope it Helps 3

Do boy stuff

I applaud your efforts to loose weight but you must do it sensibly, eat lots of fruit and veggies , leave cakes donuts cookies, and candies completely out of the picture, you say you can t go out to run, well that s no problem. just put on some music in your room and DANCE, yes it s that simple Dancing is a great way to loose weight, so long as you watch what you eat. NEVER skip breakfast, don t miss meals because your body will adjust to you NOT eating and you won t loose weight, eat small meals, drink lots of WATER and leave out the soda s Good luck!

well first of all get off the computer you are online waisting your time doing this **** when you can be outdise and being active. do somthing active. thats all i got to say to you

well dont let those ppl influence you and you need to accept yourself for who you are. but if it is for health than eat healthy food and do some situps push ups stuff that you dont need to go outside i personally love dancing and its a great way to lose weight

look since you re too young to be in a heavy diet do this for about a month and see if it works if not then go to your family doctor1-Drink a lot of water2-No candies or anything sweet3-No bread or sweet bread4-No tortilla if you eat any5- buy no calories stuff6-walk everyday at least 30 minutes7-every night do at least 10 sit ups8-have faith in yourself and be strong with the good food9-plenty of veggies10-Good luck you can do it

just concentrate on eating a little less of basically the same things. Try to keep tempting foods unavailable. I m sure your family could possibly change the food a little. It really helps to tell someone what you re doing. In your room for exercise try a little routine like 100 jumping jacks and running in place for 5 minutes or so and bump it up every couple of days. If you get tired of this buy a jump rope and do 125 hops and 25 up-downs where you pose like a frog and jump up and then jump back down-repeat.

Yeah, I m 13 and 5 4 and I weigh 106 pounds but I m not trying to lose weight but stay fit and healthy since I m a vegetarian so the advice I give to you is eat healthy. EAt lots of vegetables,fruit, juice, milk, but don t eat anything fattning or sugary. EAT HEALTHY! and go to the gym or walk or excercise. Ask your parent or sister/brother to walk with you at least around your apartments or house. Don t over exagerate your excercise limit, though. Only about 2 hours a day exercising is good for your age. and don t let people bring you down telling you that you are fat because it s not true and its rude.

Would someone drop you at the Y during the day? They have lots of activities and sports you could get into- it would help.

Stay the way you are nothing wrong with being chubby

mmm. been there. i m around your age and in around december i was about 173 pounds. and then i decided to 1. have a better diet. and it s really quite easy just eat fruits and veggies that you actually like. 2. i began to start working out SLOWLY. dont automatically just start to work out like an insane person. you re gonna hate it and not stick to it. just start to first do a bit of walking and running. then maybe ask your parents to let you take a dance class or some activity. 3. go out and have fun. instead of sitting in front of your computer//tv go out with friends to places. go to the park or maybe go to the mall and walk around. 4. pack healthy snacks that you actually like to eat. instead of wasting your money on chips and burgers pack some nice fruits or chicken and stuff. i did this and now i m about 132 pounds and i m 5 7. (: so it really does work. OH AND DRINK WATER. dont drink all those soft drinks. those are all empty calories. and eat smaller meals at intervals of about 3-4 hours. HAVE FUN and goodluck :D

To successfully lose weight, you must carry outa plan to balance your caloric intake with exercise.Ideally, dieting should be done by eating a nutritionallybalanced, low-calorie diet and increasing physical activity. I found useful informations at

watch your food intake ,, less sugar. you are young and still growing. is there a gym you can go to?eat right, and remeber the first 10lbs are the easiest, it s water. the next 10 will be a bit more challenging. you can exersize in your own yard, and bedroom,, i used to do sit ups on my bed as a teen.and alot of floor exersizes and one more thing. YOUR NOT FAT!!! I think I was a size 2,, when I was 2.. lol hang in there.

eat healthy and exersise go swimming and dont worry u ll be fine

1. General question. Where do you live that makes it dangerous?2. Eat healthier and watch your consumption.3. E-mail me. I ll help if I can, and if you e-mail, I don t know your whole situation.

The best way to lose weight is a balance of exercise and nutrition. Lets start with nutrition. You need to count calories. An average person eats about 2000 calories a day. you need to cut that by half. So eating about 1000 to 1500 calories a day is good. Try eating smaller portions. Also, you probably have a slow metabolism. Try eating 5 small meals a day. Include a lot of fruits and vegetables. Exercise is the hard but fun part. if you want to loose weight fast try exercising at least 5-6 days a week with 1 day of rest. Exercise must include cardio 5 days a week and weight/resistance exercise 2-3 days a week. Cardio can include running, biking, anything that will get your heart pumping. Try doing cardio atleast an hour a day except when you do resistance exercise where you can do 30 mins of weights and 30 mins of cardio. Weight lifting should include low weights ( for you) 5 pounds is perfect and lots of reps. maybe 3 sets of 15. You should google resistance exercise. You ll be great if you can do this.

if u have stairs, this may sound stupid but run up and down them a couple of times. Do some old fashion crunches and some push-ups but not many. Also don t go on a stupid crash diet, just eat healthier and less sugars and fats. Good Luck! BTW im 13 too :)

just watch what u eat and work out in ur room jumpin jacks crunches push ups....u dont saound fat though ....i weigh more and am shorter. u sound fine.

if you recently gained weight, you shouldn t worry about it. because when i was 13 i gained weigtht, and then i went away, and i m your weight and i m shorter than you, and i m not fat at all. but if you feel uncomfortable with how you look, then eat healthier, and balanced meals, eat sweets in moderations, and get more exercise just nothing too drastic.

Try maybe exercising in your hose like do work out videos or seomthing and watch what you eat like go on a diet and try ot wat healthier. But you definitely have to eat, if you don t eat you will either become anarexic or something will happen to you where your body doesn t get enough food and you start to gain more fat in you.