Tuesday, August 16, 2016

How can I lose weight fast? -

I do 50 sit ups, 50 crunches, and jog a mile each morning then the same at night. What else can I do?

Step 1:First you want to walk when possible you do not need to jog just walk. Take a walk around the neighborhood. Jump on the trampoline with the kids. Try to get a least a little bit of physical activity.Step 2:You will need to eat a lot of cereal including oatmeal, tuna on wheat with a little mayonnaise, fish, grains, fresh fruit, and fresh vegetables. Step 3:You can still eat at fast food restaurants just eat a little healthier.Eat a grilled chicken salad with low fat dressing and drink water or a diet soda. Or eat a sandwich on wheat with lots of vegetables and turkey with low fat dressing or none at all. You can enjoy some of those high fat foods occasionally just not daily. Limit yourself to one every two weeks. Watch the pounds begin to shed.

well, you could try asking your doctor about healthy eating plans for you. but don t worry if things don t work out how you want it to be always remember that your beautiful in your own way

Step 1: Cut down on the amount of processed sugars and carbohydrates you eat.Step 2:Consume only small portions of starchy grains and vegetables, such as brown rice, beans, corn, and potatoes. Try to limit yourself to only one small serving of a starch per day.Step 3:Eat one portion of lean protein with every meal, and two portions of veggies.Step 4:Varying your menu will keep you from getting bored. Also, using lots of fresh herbs and good quality spices will make your meals more flavorful without adding fat.Step 5:For exercise, if you haven��t exercised in a while, start with something low impact, like walking. If you can, walk somewhere hilly so that your level of excursion varies. Pair your cardio workouts with strength training. Lifting light weights will increase your muscle mass. More muscle means you will be burning more calories every day, even while at rest.

Eat Enough VegetablesVegetables can play a huge role in helping an individual lose weight without dieting. This is because vegetables are very low in calories, especially green, leafy vegetables like spinach, kale and greens. Individuals can eat as many vegetables as they want in a day��s time without damaging their ability to lose weight. There are a few exceptions, of course, with potatoes and corn which are starchy vegetables and have more calories. Some vegetables are even negative calorie foods, which means they take more calories to burn than they have. Celery is a negative calorie food. Learn more about veggies for weight loss at Health Caslte.

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