Friday, December 16, 2016

With all these weight loss programs why are so many still overweight? -

It doesn t make sense! Is there not enough weight loss companies to help all these people or is it these people don t care to lose weight?

You must be slender or you wouldn t be asking such a silly question. Sure, a person can lose weight. The trick is to KEEP it off - and that requires a permanent change in lifestyle, not a quick fix that is here today, gone tomorrow. Most people don t realize the meaning of the word diet. It means a way of eating. Diets where one only drinks protein liquids or other fads are fine for the short term, but not realistic for a lifetime habit.And for many persons, especially the poor, fast-food eating has become a way of life. Foods high in protein, such as meat, are usually more expensive. And also, for many people who cannot afford to take ANY vacation, who haven t got a house, who are living from paycheck to paycheck, eating is about the only luxury or comfort left to them.There is a simple answer, of course: expend more calories than you take in. Remember, NOBODY had to worry about dieting in Auschwitz.

With all the rehab clinics why are there still drug addicts?With all the schools why are there still ignorant people?For many overweight people food is an addiction. They eat when they are depressed. They eat when they celebrate. They eat when they are stressed out. No weight loss program is going to work until a person has the mental fortitude to control their eating habits. Most weight loss programs offer support and guidance but the overweight person needs more than that. Just like many alcoholics keep drinking after going to AA meetings.Most of these people want to lose weight but they can t find the will power. Its not that they don t care, they just don t know how.

Overweight people can loose weight without needing the help of weight loss programs..They just have to watch what they eat and exercise. Apparently, people enjoy eating and are too pre-occupied with different things to find time to exercise. ANd about those weight loss programs, not all persons bodies would respond to them. It would still depend on the person s body functions.

Because they can t control themselves and they give up and not the program its them

Because there s no such thing as diet . The word needs to be removed from the dictionary.

BECAUSE ITS NOT THAT PEOPLE DONT EXCERSISE ITS JUST THE FACT TAHAT THEY PIG OUT EVERY LITTLE CHANCE THEY GET.....IF THEY WORK OUT HARD, THEY REWARD THEMSELFS WITH A FATTY MEAL. AND THE PILLS ARE ALL MUST VITAMINS TO GET YOU IN THE MOOD TO WORK OUT....THERE NOT GOING TO DO NOTHING TO YOU IF YOU JUST TAKE THEM AND PRAY THE FAT WILL JUST WALK OFF...SORRRY NOT THAT EASY TRY THIS ROUTINE AND SEE REAL RESULTS.all you need to do is hit the gym,,,get a low carb diet and get dont need to be skinny to look good. its so easy to see weight loss just by dieting right and running or treadmill for atleast 300 calories which is equivilent to tredmill/23-31mins bycycle=22-25mins....look i do this every day. You should be able to burn 10 calories per minute,.. just take it slowwakeup- eat a bowl of special K serial.snake at around 10 apple, granola,lunch12- eat a salad and a sandwhich. make sure its a salad with something, tuna, chickensnake a banana or sometype of carbs(good Carbs)after work-home nice lean dinner( turkey breast, veggies, patatoes, salad)then after this maybe a small as much wheat bread as you like with your meals, i usualy eat 1-2 slices....AS YOU SEE I EAT ALOT BUT IT BALANCES OUT...I GO TO THE GYM EVERY NIGHT AROUND 8 AND WORK OUT FOR 1HR. THATS ALL YOU NEED. AND THROUOUT THE DAY ALL I DRINK IS WATER,...NO SODA, JUICE, MAINLY WATER, OH AND THE MILK FOR BREAKFAST.... AVOID SUGAR SNACKS, TREATS,BUT ITS OK TO CHEAT 1 TIME EVERY 2 WEEKS. MAYBE A BIG MAC,. NOT EVERYDAY THOUGH i lost about 25 pounds this yr and thats eating kinda bad....but so far ive lost a total of 70 pounds...i used to be 295 in me if you need more help or info...hang in youll get the weight youd like to be,.,,,it also takes to long walks after each meal since you have the time....get your metabolism working again like it should