try the lil Jack workout video��
Stop eating fatty foods incl any fast food, chocolate and other candy. Stop drinking sodas. Try running/walking for 30-40 min 4-5 times a week. Doing some weights will help also. DON T stop eating. It will slow you metabolism and prevent your body from burning calories. You don t need a cook book, it s simple. Don t eat prepared foods, and stay away from anything fried, sugary, or with a lot of oil. Eat a lot of vegetables, breads, rice, lean meats, etc. You probably won t lose weight as fast as you want but if you make this a lifestyle it will last and you will feel much better. Just be consistent.
DONT TAKE PILLS, never. My mom almost died taking diet pills.Safe way, eat healthy stuff, look up recipes on google.Also try home exercise, like taebo, his dvds arent costly and itdoes wonders! also look on youtube they have a lot of videosgood luck
Drink water. I always have water where ever I am. And eat healthy. See if you can join a gym. I joined a gym here in town and I lost 15 lbs since July. And I do go to the gym every day. I do cardio 90 min and weights 15 min and abs 10 min. And always eat less and exercise more.
watch what you eat,eat enough to fill you up and don t be greedy and run as many miles as you can run before you feel you might have to throw up because that is a true sign you have done enough and this should be done on a daily basis
Exercising would help. Try not to eat a lot of calories. Cut off the sugar and sodas that would help a lot and would also be healthier if you cut off the soda.
Choose one. You can t have your cake and eat it too... Wow, that saying applies to this question quite well...
walk 45 min a day and consume 1200 calories a day.
running is the best way to loose