Monday, September 25, 2017

Quickest way to lose weight? (Goal of 215 by end of March 09)? -

I m a 26 year old male currently weighing 265 lbs (5 11 in height) goal is to reach and maintain of weight of 185 lbs by the end of 2009, but I would like to reach 215 lbs by the end of March 09 (going on vacation). Does anyone have a quick solution on how to lose weight fast in order for me to reach my early goal?

I like your enthusiasm. You need to focus on your nutrition. Your goals will be reached if you eat healthy foods that are high in protein and low in fat/sugar. Stick with vegetables for snacks.As for exercise, focus on alternating your cardio routines. High intensity workouts will really elevate your heart rate and burn calories. Skip breaks between sets, or eliminate them entirely.Again, really watch what you eat and the pounds will begin to come off.

I have tried so many diets that are out there but the best way to lose it and keep it off is to just diet and exercise. I used to HATE it when people would tell me that because I wanted an easy way out but once I finally said ok I have to do this and started going to the gym and eating a little healthy ever once in a while the weight started to just fall off. I don t eat healthy all the time yet, I just use common sense and get grilled instead of fried, veggies or fruits instead of fries, etc. So once I start a strict diet I will begin to lose even more which I m excited about.

It is a possibility to lose weight fast but you should be realistic and understand that if you lose weight fast then you will without doubt put it all back on again just as fast. I lost 7 pounds during the last couple of weeks when I had a wedding to attend, and I did it by following the tips given on the web resource in the box below.

you need to go on a no carb diet. look it up, no bread, noodles,rice. stick with protein. i suggest making a variety of stir fry, with pork, beef and other meatsstick with no carb diet and you will see pounds melt away, no pop either
