Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Will my insurance cover a medical weight-loss program if? -

No cruel answers please. This is a serious question.

Whether your insurance will pay will depend on your insurance plan and whether they consider it medically necessary . They tend to be rather stingy, so it will help if your orthopod and your primary care physician consider it medically necessary -- in fact, they will have to actually issue a medical order for it. I would think that the combination of your foot and the implants making routine exercise virtually impossible but necessary to protect it all would be a huge factor to support a medical order. It may take a couple of passes with the insurance gate-keepers, but give it a try and don t be disheartened -- after I had a heart attack and 2 heart surgeries (which in total cost about $250,000 eight years ago), the insurance paid 100% for cardio rehab, which was like going to the gym 3 times a week at the hospital and doing regular gym stuff while wearing a monitor -- kind of goofy but very expensive. So you never know . . . Best of luck!

I doubt the state medical program will pay for you to lose such a small amount of weight. The weight gain is making you unhappy but it isn t causing more medical issues and from the sounds of it you are not obese. You will have to cut down the calories for the amount of energy you do burn in order to stay the same until you are able to get out and mobile or you are going to have to find other ways to utilize the upper body in order to burn more. Sorry but I really don t think you need a medical weight loss program. maybe your doc could recommend a dietitian for you

Probably not. Insurance companies would probably tell you that it was your choice to gain weight. You could have changed your eating habits, exercised more, etc.I think insurance companies are good for certain things, but they won t go out of their way to help you. You might be able to use your flexible spending (if you have it - it s your money taken out of your check and put into an account before taxes) to get reimbursed for Alli or something. But again, many insurance companies won t cover that either.

you will need to ask your insurance provider. Some will, and some wont