Saturday, August 25, 2018

How to lose weight fast? -

i am 15 years old, 5 9 and 214 pounds how do i lose weight fast

It s probably not the weight that you want to lose, but the fat, right?I know you read about it everywhere, but keep a food diary. Be accurate. You ll learn how many calories are in what you eat, and you ll try to eat fewer calories because of it.Next, set a realistic goal calorie count for yourself. When I lost weight, I consulted a few sources and set the goal of 1600 calories a day. I lost about 2 pounds a week, which doesn t sound like a ton, but I lost more inches/body fat than pounds, which made me look and feel better.Good luck, and be healthy, okay?

Toss/give away ALL JUNK FOOD. for example: if you are addicted to twinkies have a stash, GET RID OF THEM and don t buy any more! if family members keep junk food around, buy a big plastic toolbox with a LOCK - tell them to keep those things LOCKED UP (a combo lock works best..and of course, dont let *yourself* know the combo!).as for meals - simple: 1st off: NO DEEP FRIED FOODS. everything else is FINE! within reason, and here s the trick: eat HALF of what you d *normally* eat - if you are not sure how much half is, put everything on your plate like you d normally do, then put HALF of it BACK! switch to water or diet beverages. i love 4C Light Iced Tea. it has 15 calories per 8oz - guests can t even tell its diet!to satisfy a sweet tooth, having a bowl of pre-sweetened CEREAL helps, with 1% milk...i usually have six boxes of cereal to choose from. then, each night, when i want a snack, if i want peanut butter, chocolate or whatever, i can still get that taste! but only ONE bowl - and not a HUGE one! as for exercise, i ve gotta be the laziest person on the planet. so i decided that WALKING was my best option. around the block once, then increase weekly to 2x, etc. during winter, no excuse - just walk around your house. I DO! or go to the mall and walk - take a look at all of the clothes you ll soon be fitting into. and stay away from that food court!weigh yourself each morning, NAKED (so you can t blame clothes for adding any weight!) and keep track of your results on a calendar. you ll be surprised at how much you can lose in just 1 MONTH! GOOD LUCK!

To lose weight... this is my dieting process...1.Eat eggs and baken for breakfast.2. Eat 5 fruit a day (any type of fruit)3.drink juice once any time in the day.4. eat a healthy dinner.5. dont eat before you go to sleep. wait at least 2 hours after you finish eating to go to sleep. (because when you eat then go to sleep al of the food make you fat) .....note this is a good diet plan but doesent work for all people. give it a try.

First lower the food intake.������Then run for 30 mins to an hr.

starve yourself exercise like crazy but still drink alot of water. But dont do this its very dangerous you might faint and get run over by a truck or something! Losing weight takes time so just lay of the sugar and exercise

Exercise and eat low fat food, and dont eat very much. But dont loose weight too fast, or youll gain it back very fast.

Fast never works, you need a lifestyle change.But check out this website ...

in how long?.. well you can juice fast for 3-5 days and after you just eat fruits and veggies.. exercise..ect..

Stop eating till you reach your ideal, if you can.

Stop eating so damn much.