Saturday, August 25, 2018

Is it true that if people dont eat that thy lose weight fast? -

For example i am overweight. I am 5ft 11 and weigh 242 plbs. If i didn t eat for a week would I lose weight?

yes, but it can cause MAJOR health issues. and, it will backfire and you could possibly develop an eating disorder. i suggest watching what you eat- more veggies and fruits, choose low-fat or reduced-fat if you can for snack items, exercise daily for at least 30 minutes, stay away from high-fat foods like burgers, bacon, and sausage. even try going vegetarian, i ve lost around 20 pounds since last October from going vegetarian, its worth a shot and its good for the ecosystem and you body. maybe try joining weight watchers, they let you eat sweets, but they are low-fat (see albertsons or your local grocery store for weight-watcher meals and snacks) please don t try any diets like the Atkins diet. The man who made Atkins died early at around 270 pounds- doesn t sound appealing, eh? also easy ways to fit exercise into your daily life is: using stairs instead of escalators or elevators, park far away from the store you are going to- it makes you walk more, walk in place while watching tv, walk or ride a bike to near-by places instead of driving to burn calories and help prevent pollution. there is many easy ways to lose weight and stay there- but not everyone uses them because the seem like hassle or they waste time. anyways, just please DONT stop eating or starve yourself, what type of influence is that on children? do we really want the next generation to be 82 lbs at 25 and look like manniquins? i don t think so. best of luck to you!!

Not eating is actually doing more harm to your body than good. By not eating you re not replacing the energy needed for your body to reform to the new dimensions of the lost weight. And after a while you develop some really bad heart problems and you can have an increased chance of stroke and risk of dependancy of the actual diet and not eating. It s very dangerous, eating healthy foods in proper amounts along with exercising is what you really need to do if you want to lose weight.

Yes, you would lose weight. However, your body will have gone into starvation mode (where it stores food as fat), so when you started eating again you would gain it back, plus a bonus five or ten.

It s not true. Your body goes into starvation mode and holds on to all of the fat it can. This will happen for about the 1st-2nd week Then you will loose weight, but you will make yourself sick. It s like getting gastric bypass surgery without taking your 20 pills and vitamins twice a day. When bypass patients don t take their medications and vitamins, they end up in the hospital.

yeah. but it would be better, if you ate HEALTHY, and did some sorty of activity that would get your heart pumping fast, blood flowing through your body, and some sweat dripping a few times a week.. than just not eatting-lose weight-eat-then go back to not eatting. you would succeed losing weight while keeping the weight off.

Yes, but you d also have your body think you may be starving, and drop your metabolism. It depends how much you eat in a week to maintain your weight.To lose weight effectively, you want a higher metabolism, not a lower one. That is why exercise is good, it stimulates the muscles and metabloism.

No I did that once and well i got fatter. So anyways My friends were concerned about me told the counsoler at my school and he told me that it wasnt healthy and your stomach needs food and if it doesn t get it , it looks for another way to get it, By eating something inside your body or something like and also if you dont eat, you can t think well. i think its true becuase I did do that and nothing worked. Soo I say no

Yeah - you d also end up in the hospital. A safe way to lose weight is to start an exercise program. Walking is a great free way to exercise. Walk for 20-30 minutes every day. If you also want to tone your muscles, join a gym and attend some classes or work with a trainer to establish a workout regimen. See a nutritionist if you want to set up a low calorie diet.

yes, but don t do backfires and ever heard of anorexia???