Sunday, August 12, 2018

Ok so i just want to lose a little bit of weight off of my stomach? -

u no a girl wants to have nice abs so yah any suggestions on how to lose weight justt on da stomach...thnk uu :]

your diet , amount of rest , type of workout , frequency of workout , quality of workout etc are all contributing factors . dont believe as you read that an intense workout day in day out will be enough. all aspects are needed. from past experience overworking the abs can have a negative effect so less in this instance i believe is more. i would very rarely do more than 3 stomach routines in a week as when we carry out any form of exercise our abdominals will as a by product of supporting our frames get a others have pointed out keep ma close eye on your dietary habits. especially your carb intake. dont fall into the trap of starving yourself for results as these are short lived. maintain regular food intake , maybe substituting 3 normal meals with 5 smaller meals. this way you will replenish your stores in stages . plenty of fruit and veg and at least 5 glasses of water a day. working this way you can ensure your body will become more efficient and leave less room for storage.also mix up your workouts by including a good level of cardiovascular training , fat burning training ,mobility and stretching . when carrying out a stomach workout remember that your technique must be in good order. Cheating will hinder progress quite a lot.back to diet ensure your protein levels are high enough.If you want to see increased muscle definition then you need to lose the fat covering the abs.Repetitions must be done slowly and with a strong contraction of the abs throughout the motion, also try to include lower lumbar exercises to create a balance .if you need more advice on individual techniques let me know.

you cant lose weight on just one place- and you cant do it by strength training (situps and crunches- those only tone) to lose weight you have to do tons of cardio activity and reduce your calorie intake. Also, the weight loss will be proportional, so almost everything will go down together, and you wont lose inches on just one place

im a girl and im n rotc and always had a flat stomach...but my friend has a big belly and shes n rotc 2 and she lost alot of weight and her stomach is gettin flat.i believe if u do @ least 100 crunches and 50 situps every night or w/e u should loose n bout 2 or 3 weeks.but dont over do urself and starve yourself cause thats very unhealthy.

Eat healthy, as healthy as you can. Go jogging and do crunches and sit ups a lot. Those will DEFINITELY help. DO this repeatedly and it will work.

well any good abs have to come with a diet plan. running, sit ups, bicycles, dips. you could do those exercises as well to help you.

I agree with the first ones. Sit ups. There are also other tummy workouts I do not remember.

do hullahoopes... they help...o.o

Sit ups...blah.Standing crunches work your abs yet don t put a strain on your back/neck.

Sit ups.Lots and lots of sit ups.

stop eating so many carbs.