Saturday, September 15, 2018

How do I lose weight fast?!? -

Do you know any diets or anything to make me lose weight fast? I am 12 and I weigh 140 something pounds.. help me

You shouldn t go to low in calories because you are still growing I just recommend these tipsTIPS:If you follow these tips you will lose weight.First of all your body can healthly lose only 2-4 lbs a week. Also i would not reccomend one of those diet books or programs because once you lose the weight you will go back to doing what you did before and gain it all back.Here is what you need to cut out of your diet or limit.-sodas they are empty calories and just add fat.-also juices try to limit 1 cup of o.j. has as much sugar as a can of soda.-fast food. they provide no nutrients and terrible meals they do have healthly selections at all fast food stores if you pic those you will do much better. -junk food is also empty calories its ok now and then just don t over do it.Here are foods that you can indulge on.-veggies since they are so healthy for you and provide you with many nutrients the calories in them are meaningless.-water!! you should drink64oz. a day at first you will pee alot but then you will get used to it.-when eating meat try to eat chicken because it is the best.other tips- try to have baked foods not fried.-eat breakfast and try to have it mostly be complex carbs like oatmeal and wheat bread they will give you energy all throughout the day.-don t skip meals when you do your body thinks it is being starved so it will hold in more calories instead of burning them.Try joining a sports team or just working out more and I m sure you ll burn of the extra weight your holding.

There is no way to loose weight fast: sorry dude...just watch what you eat and walk or run a couple miles a day..

I found this on this website. There are more tips and need to find an exercise and eating (notice I didn t say DIET) plan that works for you; You also need to find a strenuous physical activity that you actually enjoy, it might just be walking. Pretty soon your friends will be asking you for advice!Good luck, you can do this!!More infomation the link: -- task=view id=200 Itemid=62