Friday, December 21, 2018

How can I lose weight quickly? -

I need to lose weight. I ve been called fat too many times. School is coming up, and I want to look at least a little thinner. If i cut back on calories every day, will I lose weight? How many calories a week do you have to cut back on to lose weight? Help, please, and don t say anything stupid like fruits and vegtables and exercise . I mean I know eventually that will work, but I want to lose fast, and I m clueless.

Have you tried this workout program?��

Do not drink anything else beside ice COLD water (doing that burns calories)eat eggs in the morning so you don t feel hungry during the dayeat a low fat yogurt everydaygrapefruit, pears, celery. make that a snack if you get hungrywalk about 45 mins a day. 9you could walk 15 mins every other hour)keep away from pasta and bread for awhile. goodluck

okayyeat cream of wheat or oatmeal in the morning with tea or green tea.. eat fruit for a afternoon snackeat low calorie foods for lunch and dinner (to prevent yourself from eating alot eat ice.)exercise:walk or jog for 30 minutes each daythen 30 minutes of exercises such aslunges sqatscrunchesjumping jacksleg liftsany sort of exercise for 30 minutes th elink under me shows various exercise plans find the right one for you =]good luck!!

fat loss will take time to be have to stay patient at all costs ok?no excuses!brisk walk an hour some yoga whenever you get time...a diet rich in fruits and veggies are great but have some lean proteins too...dont be afraid of good fats like beans and raw nuts..keep your complex carb intake low (for example rice,tortilas and noodles)but dont avoid them completely...they are the best source of stamina for muscles...