Saturday, January 19, 2019

A free way to lose weight fast cuz gus make fun of me constantly and so do girls so i wanna show them ? -

i get made fun of alot and wen i see girls imn magazines the dont have severe muffin tops so plz tell me how to lose weight and inches fast with out resoting to bulmia or anorexia

Try the lil Jack work out ......comments welcomd there��

well i ll give you the best way to lose fat from every part of your body,your thighs,your belly your hips,every part,but you have to be up to it because it s a little bit hard way but very effective and quick is a cardiovascular exercise done 3 times a week on an empty stomach in the following way:1. four mins jogging2.twenty secs sprint followed by 10 secs rest to catch your breath..another 20 secs sprint followed by 10 secs rest ..this is done till you reach a total of 8 sprints. so the sum will be another 4 mins3.four mins jogging again .so the sum will be only 12 mins of cardiovascular but take care it is vigorous but u ll see results within the first week..

well what u need to do is mabey jump on a tramopine or jog or the best and fastest way is to jump rope but never take weight pills just excirsise

FIBERFIBERFIBERFIBERFIBER!!!!it keeps u full. eat fiber 1 bars, they taste good and they re chock full of FIBER!

I know a big trick to weight loss diet quickly. Just eat above three meals each day. It s true. View this good source to get more info.