Wednesday, January 23, 2019

What is a good exercise to lose weight fast? -

walk every day you lose weight walk at the same time if too cold walk in a mall

If you want to lose weight, it is important to have the support of your family and friends. They should keep you motivated at times when you are tempted to give up, and should let you know if you are being unrealistic about your weight loss goals.If you want to lose weight but do not know where to start, talk to your GP or practice nurse. They can give you dietary and fitness advice and point you in the direction of local slimming clubs and support groups, as well as making sure your weight loss plan is suitable for you.

Go over the list and decide which foods to cut out or reduce. Cutting calories is usually a lot easier than you might think. For example, that daily tall latte in the morning may pack 500 calories. Since a pound of flab (lost or gained) is roughly equivalent to 3,500 calories, replacing that rich beverage with black coffee can help you lose a pound a week. Other easy cuts include salad dressing (salad dressing is the number one source of fat in the average American woman s diet) soda pop, candy, and butter. Look at the nutritional information for the foods you eat, pay special attention to your intake of saturated fats and empty calories (high-sugar foods). You don t need to cut these things out entirely, but if you reduce your intake of high-fat, high-calorie foods you ll lose weight faster.

To keep your weight down in the long term, make exercise part of your weekly routine. To increase your chances of keeping your exercise programme on track, choose activities that suit your lifestyle and that you find enjoyable.Exercise can sometimes be more fun if you have a friend to do it with. Alternatively, you could join a fitness class, or take up a team sport, to make physical activity a sociable and regular habit.

Cleanse your bodyIf you��re only having a bowel movement once every 2 days then You can quickly flush out 5 pounds of waste trapped inside your colon and you can easily do this by�� * Eating more fiber ,* Drinking at least 70 ounces of distilled water every day* Taking colon cleansing (or detox) diet pills first thing in the morning before bed.This is the easiest way to lose a quick 5 pounds without exercising (or more than 5 lbs. depending on the type of diet you had your frequency of bowel movements) and�� You may notice your tummy getting flatter due to the pounds of waste being released from your colon.

Follow this Diet chart and yoga aasansIt is good that you have sought the help of Yoga to bring your body back into shape. While your practices and measure to eliminate excess weight or what you do is important, what you shouldn��t do is just as important.* Don��t resort to weight reduction pills or powders of any sort and please avoid crash diets. We shall prescribe you a simple diet that is healthy, easy to follow and will deliver the desired results. See a nutritionist or dietician, if you must, but preferably one who knows and practices Yoga.* Never skip meals. This makes you overeat at other times. So, by all means eat three or even four times a day, but eat light and sparingly.Yoga ExercisesStanding Position# Tadasana (Palm Tree pose)# Parvatasana (Mountain pose)# Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)# Ardha Chakrasana (Half Moon pose)# Padangusthasana (Toe to hand pose)# Padahastasana (Forehead to knee pose)Sitting Position# Janu Sirshasana ((Forehead to single knee pose)# Paschimottanasana (Forehead to both knees pose)# Ushtrasana (Camel pose)# Gomukhasana (Cow face pose)# Simhasana (Lion pose)# Marichyasana (Pose dedicated to the sage Marichi)# Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fish pose)Supine Position# Purvottanasana (Inclined Plane)# Matsyasana (Fish pose)# Pawanmuktasana (Wind relieving pose)# Navasana (Boat pose)# Chakrasana (Wheel pose)# Sethu Bandhasana (Bridge formation pose)# Halasana (Plough pose)Prostrate Position# Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog pose)# Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)# Dhanurasana (Bow pose)# Shalabhasana (Locust pose)Inverted Position# Viparita Karani (Legs against the wall pose)# Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)Balancing Position# Vrikshasana (Tree pose)# Garudasana (Eagle pose)Pranayamas (breathing exercises)# Kapalabhatti (Skull cleansing)# Anuloma-Viloma (Alternate Nostril Breathing)# Suryabhedana (Right Nostril breathing)Kriyas (Cleansing techniques)# Jala Neti (Cleansing Nasal passages with water)# Sutra Neti (Cleansing Nasal passages with rubber catheter)# Vaman Dhauti (Cleansing stomach by vomit water on empty stomach)Yogic DietThis is very important, if you wish to get back into shape and develop a healthy, slim and shapely physique. Let your diet be Yogic and Sattvic (pure, light and predominantly vegetarian). This means plenty of raw foods �C salads, sprouts and seasonal fruit �C vegetable juices, dried fruits and loads of water.Avoid potatoes, peas, chick peas, grams, peanuts, all non-veg fare, fried, fatty and spicy foods, junk / fast foods, packaged foodstuffs and confectionary products. Also keep away from milk and milk products such as cheeses and butter. But you may have plenty of diluted buttermilk prepared from skimmed milk. Avoid snacking between meals and, as mentioned before, never skip a meal.

Get some exercise! Walk everywhere! Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk as much as possible. Walk up and down your stairs at least 10 times a day. Take 10 things out of your purse and leave them upstairs- go downstairs, go back upstairs and grab one thing at a time so that you get some exercise

If you learn to walk scientifically you ll lose much more weight than you will from jogging. If you combine that with effective 1 rep weight training the fat will fly and you ll be in great shape.Check out:

Running/jogging is the best.