Tuesday, February 26, 2019

What the fastest way to lose weight or tone up? -

So yeah I really wnat to lose weight fast HELP?

fruits and veggiesand water.....i works, honestly.....you can lose 10 in 2 weeksI lost 25 in 7 weeks

There is a very simple way to lose weight effectively, permanently and safely.Cardio excercise (walking, jogging, running, ellipitical)Cut out your fast food, sodas, snack foods, sugar and eat well-balanced meals in moderate proportion. Drink water water water all day long.And maintain a healthy sleep schedule and stress load.It works better than any miracle pill on the market, and it s safe, gets you in good habits, and is easy to continue and maintain a weight loss goal. Don t waste time with pills, crash diets, or too-good-to-be-true schemes. Starvation diets only let you lose water weight and poop . They do not promote long-lasting results.

Getting in shape is NOT easy and there is no magic pill or fad diet that will do the work for you. Any diet that promises you to lose 10 lbs in 1 week is just depleting you of water weight and actually SLOWING down your metabolism making it that much harder for you to burn calories. Now if you��re a yo-yo dieter multiply that every time you start a new diet and you��re slowing down your metabolism EACH time. No wonder you can��t lose weight?!The secret to being fit is just good old-fashioned diet and exercise. It��s a lifestyle change that only you can make. You have to have the mind set that your body and health is worth it. You will feel so much happier, and healthier once you make this change. You��ll be a better wife, mom, sister, husband, friend, etc. So now that I filled you in on the big secret��. I will share some tips that I have learned in my own fitness quest. Small, frequent meals are the most effective way to lose weight, and maintain your blood glucose levels. If you��re following a 1200 cal/day diet try to eat 300 for breakfast, 300 for lunch, 300 for dinner, and 2 snacks in between with 150 each. You will find that you are never hungry, and never full. Because we all know that Big Mac tastes good going down it doesn��t feel so hot sitting in your belly for the next 6 hours. You have to count your calories- at least in the beginning until you have a good grasp on the nutrition levels and portion amounts that your body needs. There are lots of websites that can help you log your meals online to see all the nutrition totals. I like www.myfitnesspal.com This is a FREE site that allows you to plug in your height/weight/exercise level and will tell you how many calories you need to consume to achieve our goals. It��s personalized, it��s free, and it works. Now exercise will be different for everyone and I say do something you enjoy��that way you are more likely to stick with it. A good exercise program will combine cardio and strength training. Cardio will help you burn calories and torch body fat, while strength training will build muscle, which in turn boosts your metabolism and makes you LEAN. Girls do not be afraid of weights; they are your best friends. I��m a busy nurse and I work long days so I personally enjoy working out at home to save time and $$. My favorite DVD programs are Chalean extreme, Turbo Jam, P90X, and Slim in Six. Check out www.BBfitcoach.com for details.Make sure you make yourself accountable��. Tell your friends/family about it so they can support you. Take your body measurements and set reasonable goals to achieve. For some incentive to workout check out www.BBfitcoach.com and JOIN for FREE to login your workouts in a virtual gym called WOWY. Everyday in WOWY someone will win the daily prize which is either $300, $1000, TV��s, DVD players, cameras, and ipods. It��s legit and I know people that have won��myself not included YET. I hope this helps but if you have any questions shoot me an email. I��m a nurse by trade, but fitness junkie by hobby.

I prefer a dieting program which provides fat burning very fast. Check this out.

If you re a guy, I recommend you lifting weights and working out. There s no easy way to get muscles. If you re a girl, I recommend doing cardio exercise, like jogging, jumping rope, and dance

let me know too