Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Does it piss you off when fat people ask how to lose weight? -

I don t dislike fat people, and it s good if they want to lose the weight, but I feel like they just don t want to do what it takes to lose it and they re hoping you lll give them some secret, instant, easy way to lose weight. I lost 50 lbs in 8 months because I just went out and ran 50 miles a week and stopped eating so much. Fat people tell me I m just lucky and don t have the fat gene. That s bull, I have to work a little to stay thin.

I m overweight and I m working really hard to lose weight by eating better and work out 6 days a week like a mad woman. It makes me mad when people want an easy and quick way. It takes hard work and if you want it you have to be willing to put in the work. I come from a long line of overweight people, but I know if I work hard I can lose the weight. I ve done it before. The fat gene is one of those things you can overcome. You will have to work harder than some people, but you can do it.

i used to 60lbs fatter, and the only reason was because i ate too much crap and didnt exercise at all.theres no secret, most people just dont wanna do the work and arent dedicated enough to stick with it, it takes time and patients