Monday, March 11, 2019

How can a lose weight fast without exercising? -

Don t eat anything except celery. and when your hungry drink lots and lots of water!



There is no fast way. You didn t gain it overnight. To loose weight and keep fit you have to exercise and eat LESS.

You can t. You must exercise.

Ohhh.. the new Lazy Person diet.......hmmmm. Trust me. It doesnt work.

American s are always looking for a quick way to lose weight with minimal effort. It doesnt exist! Weight loss will come when you change your lifestyle, you need to change your diet, decrease saturated fat intake, and increase aerobic exercise. Once your lifestyle has changed, the weight will naturally fall off. Weight loss via diets are inherently flawed because once the diet is over, you go back to your old behavior and the weight comes back. Focus on a life-change and weight will no longer be an issue for you.

Cut off a body part, get your stomach stapled or get some liposuction done.If you really want to lose weight you need to eat less and exercise. There is no magic pill you can take that will make you thin.

Excess weight or obesity is by far the number one health concern in this country. Sixty percent of Americans are either overweight or obese, including over 20 percent of teenagers. All are at risk for serious physical and emotional health problems.Over three-quarters of obese adults, for example, suffer from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, coronary heart disease, diabetes or osteoarthritis. Nearly 40 percent have more than one of these conditions. They are also at risk for stroke and cancer. There are over 300,000 deaths per year from weight related causes.Body Mass Index or BMI is a good way to determine if you are carrying too much weight. The BMI is based on your height and weight, but it gives a better estimate than the older ideal body weight tables. Click here to calculate your BMI.Although there are many general causes for weight problems, the most responsible self-empowering one is that you��re simply eating too many calories for the amount of energy you��re expending. To control your weight you either have to decrease your calories or increase your exercise or some combination of the two. On and off dieting will not take care of the problem. Maintaining a healthy weight is a matter of day by day conscious control of both the amount and types of foods you eat and the level of physical activity in your life. --Weight Loss-- -- task=view id=81 Itemid=62 --

well it s always good to exercise no matter what. but if you want some tips to help -- cut out some junk food, such as sodas or chips. i went off of soda for a month and it helped (: