Wednesday, March 27, 2019

What is the best way for a pre-teen to lose weight fast? -

I m almost 50 and my daughter is 12... yet, she weighs more than me. recently, she has realized that all of her friends are really thin and she says they are calling her fat. how can i help her get thinner or how can she make herself get thinner? thin FAST?

Her body is still maturing don t try any major diets as may lead to lack of proper nutrition. Really quick tips since i just type a whole page on a recent and similar question.1.) Don t skip meals- it slows metabolism and stores fat2.) High Fiber Diet- major component of healthy weight loss, helps digestive system3.) 6-10 cups of water daily- Helps all body functions and contributes to a healthier well being, also improves effects of fiber4.) Protein- builds muscle mass, which builds more calories5.) Cardio and Weight lifting

watch what she eats!!!instead of chips (or things like chips) for a snack, give her some fresh fruit or vegetables.get some excercise into her day, everyday. do things that she finds fun. introduce her to sports she hasnt heard of, she might end up loving it. reassure her when it comes to her friends, its not good to be made fun of so young. she shouldnt have a worry in the world.good luck!!!