Friday, April 26, 2019

How can I lose Weight Fast?!? -

I m 16 years old and im WAY overweight, I want to lose weight and keep it off, because my boyfriend is slim and it looks awkward because im an overweight girlfriend that can t do fun things like swimming, and playing sports with him because i don t have the energy, and another thing is my prom is coming up and I don t want to order my dress from an overweight taylor on the internet, SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP! PS. Don t post rude comments i want help not criticism!

excercise, even if it hurts, you will get used to it, n it will feel good, get on a strict diet with no oils and sugers, and increase metabolism start doing this now, the sooner the better dearr

there is no fast way to lose wieght unless you want to starve yourself which is not goodi am not sure how much you wiegh (it is a good thing to post because we can tell you the best things to do)a good goal a month is around 5-10 pounds, no more than thatlosing wieght is very simplethe only factor that will stop you is temptationif you stay commited, then pounds will fly off youjust some extra tips:1. list of bad foods:chips, popcorn(only if butter is included), cheese, anything fried, an fastfood2. veggies, the greener the better. Fruit, the whitter the better3. exercise, all you want is cardio at the moment. this simply means you want to lose wieght and no muscle building. just run and swim, 2 best exercises. skipping isn t bad either(that is what i said to the last person)4. situps do no help you lose wieght for now, pure cardiogood luck

Diet - see what you are eating and what you are not eating ... make an appointment with a dietician, they are specialists in your field and can help suggest things to help control your weight plus keep your energy levels upExercise - you will need to do some form of exercise. Don t let swimming and sports that your boyfriend enjoys put you off, get out there and have fun. Walking is also another great way to loss the pounds, walk 30 minutes a day if you can.You ll start to lose weight after a while at a rate normally between 1-5 lbs per week, there is no quick fix, any rapid weight loss is unstable and will make you worse off in the long run

There are no magic ways to lose weight fast. What you need to do to look good AND feel good, is eat right, exercise and be disciplined.I m not sure what your eating habit is, but if you re eating too much, then you need to cut down the portions. Better yet, try eating 5 small meals a day, instead of 3 times a day. If you re eating lots of junk food, substitute them with something healthy! veggies maybe? Do you exercise enough? You should exercise at least 3-4 times a week, doing weight training and cardio. Do you like exercise classes? Like step classes or yoga? If you like yoga, try hot yoga as well.And lastly, you need to discipline yourself to keep your eating / exercise routine going. Good luck!

TRY THIS, and stick to it.The first 3-4 weeks are the hardest until your body adjusts to the change.Results will be in about the same timeFruits and VeggiesEat more plants and keep away from stuff that was made in plants.Don t eat anything that comes in a can, box or package.........THEY HAVE ADDITIVES IN THEM THAT MAKE YOU ADDICTED TO THE FOOD.....If man made it, don t eat itNO white BREAD or SUGARNO FRIED FOOD...Stay away from FAST FOODWalk your dog, or walk a friends dogDon t think of it as a diet, but think of it as a lifestyle changeI have lost 25.5 pounds in 2 months, drink lots of water. I usually eat a meal of what ever I want once a week....controlled portion....this really works.........Write down every thing you eatTake a multi vitamin at night

start working on your portion sizes. eat half as much as you used to. don t count calories, but look at serving sizes and stick to them. you can t loose a ton of weight in a short period of time and expect to keep it off. you have to change your lifestyle. walking is very good exercise, so just walk for 20-30 minutes a day too. good luck!

There s no FAST way to lose weight ^-^ The FASTER ways to do it are to stick to a healthy diet, work out plan, and add help from things like SlimQuick, SlimFast shakes, Special K, etc.

two wordsjennycregjk you can try to exesive because having afake diet can hurt you or come back to bite you in the end

Lypo :D

My mum dad are on a special diet where you r food and snacks are sent to u by post and thts what u get to eat it costs alot but probz not much more than u would spend on food anywayz i sposes!! good luck!


drink lots of waterexercise

running, one of the best and fastest ways to loose wait in my opinion.

The first and the most important thing to stay healthy is to eat, sleep and exercise regularly. In my opinion, since you are still you, you should not start with some special program to lose weight.Instead, you should try break bad habits.Something like...Wake up: Ablut 7 - 8 am (It is never good to sleep until that time, you are gaining fat.Eat Breakfast after you wake up, latest at 9am. (You should eat so you have the energy to carry out the morning until lunch.)Lunch at 11am - 1pm (Eat alot!)Eaxtra meal (If you need, some fruit.)Dinner at 5pm - 7pm (Soup is good!)Bed time: 9pm - 11pmNever eart before bed time! Eat fruit 1h after dinner is ok. Avoid tea(makes you sleepless, or anything with high sugar, fat...)Even if you are hungry before bed time, do not eat! You should eat a proper dinner.Try to exercise daily if you want to lose weight fast. About 20 min each time. You could exercise 2 times a day. But don t over do it. Start softly. Do some jogging?About your diet: It is easy to check what is good and bad. But as everyone knows...vegetables and fruits are very good. Avoid candies, icecream, fast food...Tip: When ever it is difficult to stay away from those unhealthy food, think before you act. Ask yourself: Ok, what would happen if I did not eat this candy? What do I have to lose and what do I win if I eat it? It does work well for me. :DMake all this a habit, I know it is difficult, but you have to believe in youself!You might not lose weight very fast, it all depend on you, But if you do as I told you, you will feel better in the long run.

to lose weight u need to eat right and have a workout plan 5-6 days a week.u have to want it. ***try this u need to change ur diet. eat six times a day. ea of ur 3 main meals needs to combine a lean protein such as chicken breast ground turkey turkey bacon egg whts also combine that with a complex carb such as a baked potato or sweet potato wild rice brown rice oatmeal or girts. also add fresh fruit and vegies to lunch and dinner. pick fruits low in sugar like pears and berries. if u get canned vegies get ones with low sodium. eat every 3-4 hrs keep ur metablism moving.***also the most important part is WATER drink at least 64oz. no soda or juice. water will curve ur cravings. u need to hit cardio 3-4 times a week running outside it great workout if u can hit a gym and cardio machine is great at least 30mins***also add weight/strength training 3 times a week.u can google free weight traning guides anywhere. its not hard to find things for free.***plan ur meals ahead of time.always have a healthy snack with u so u wont be tempted to eat fast food. also if u wait to late to eat u will get so hungry u will eat the world. make time to work out start out with 30 mins then increase.its ur body treat it right. ur diet alone can help lose weight but working out makes ur body look good. shows muscles and tight skin which is sexy and beautful. stick with it ur body will amaze u!!! to be healthy and look great u need both in ur life. good luck email me if u have further questions