20 Pounds is going to be tough, but I d say you can lose 15 if you follow this plan:Exercise:1 hour cardio every day - even if it s just walking. I would recommend doing some jogging for at least 10 minutes as part of the 1 hour cardio to get your heart rate up.Diet:There are calculators all over the internet for calorie-intake based on your current weight, but at a minimum, you need to cut down your food intake overall and distribute that across 5 meals every three hours, rather than the common 3 meals. That s not always the easiest lifestyle change, but it supercharges your metabolism and is how you lose weight.I would simply recommend cutting out 95% of snacks/desserts out of your diet until you ve reached your goal.Good Luck - It s hard to stick to that for a month and a half, but it will work if you do.
Well just cut back on your foods. Since you seem to be not paying much attention to it. Cut out all those oily, fatty, fast, and trans fatty foods. Pick whole grains/whole wheat instead of subsiding to a white pastry or bread. Eat lots of negative foods like various vegetables (mainly green), and fruits such as pomegranetes, pears (fiber), or apples (good nutrients). Also, you need to exercise at a good amount everyday as well as maintain your muscle mass. I encourage you to take 30 minute short walks every day, or within the same day after a meal (preferably 1 hour after to fully digest). Eat healthy, exercise healthy= you get healthy.