Friday, April 19, 2019

Which makes you lose weight faster eating grape fruit or drinking it? -

which makes you lose weight faster eating grape fruit or drinking it

iduno if that will make you lose weight..but if if doesthen probably the actual fruit because they add sugar and jive into the drink

Neither. It helps boost the metabolism a little, but no miracle by any means. However, fruit juice of any kind is a big no no if you are trying to lose weight if you drink more than the little 4 oz juice glass. Grapefruite juice is sour, but it is also high in fructose, which is sugar and loaded with carbohydrates. Unless you are going to exercise quite a bit, limit your intake of grapefruit juice to small juice glass sized servings. On the other hand, eating grapefruit itself adds fiber, which negates some of the effects of the carbs... so MUCH better for you.

Eating. Otherwise it would go through you faster and you wouldn t get the maximum amount of vitamins you could.

eat it for better health. carry around a crate of it to lose weight.

eating it. you get the fiber as well

burning off more calories than you take in = weight loss.