Thursday, July 11, 2019

How to lose weight when you are busy?!? -

I feel like I don t have time to exercise. Except for times like now when it is midnight, which in most cases i m sleeping or tired but up because my mind is going to much to sleep.I m on the go from 7am to 10pm every day between work school. Weekend nights off. I have a break from 3-6 were I run our daughter around to her extra activies, help w/ homework, cook dinner, throw in some laundry, clean up a bit. I diet, but it doesn t seem to work unless I go extreme. In which case the only extreme one that works is atkins, which I have to eat less than 20 carbs to lose a decent amount. It feels immpossible when you don t have time to cook or exercise. I don t know what to do? I m 5 9 230lbs. I used to weigh 180, and worry about hitting the 200 mark and used to swear I would starve myself if it happened. But it flew right by me, and now I m just stuck. Help please?

It sucks to have very little time to yourself as it is, let alone to know you need to set even more of that time to exercise. I know what you mean. When you DO have a moment you just want to chill out, not get up and get sweaty and dedicate 30-60 minutes making yourself even MORE tired than you were before! What you should do to get it started is, if you drink soda pop or any other carbonated beverage, STOP! Right now, just STOP STOP! Start just pretty much sticking to water and then your normal amount of milk and some juice.That will help in more ways than one. Next start drinking even more water. It helps make you feel full for a bit, and is so good for you. That is something you can do without messing your day up. Next, have you ever tried pilates? It is low impact and easy to do from the dvd or video! It is easy and you really do not get as sweaty as you do such as jogging. You can do it at home and it makes you feel so much better. Even doing just 15 to 20 minutes of it makes a huge difference! It burns fat, gives energy and helps give you tone - which is muscle, and muscle burns fat... even when you aren t working out! So, that s awesome! The water helps speed that up- and the lack of carbonation ties in! Even if you just drink more water, no soda or carbonated beverages and do pilates or an equilavent (3-5 days/week) I bet you will lose those 35 pounds to get you under the 200 mark by June or July! Good luck and just be aware- but not paranoid, of what is going in your mouth. Do not starve yourself, that has a reverse effect! You can do it!

Try i Diet Fitness. Their Diet and Fitness package includes a Guide entitled Fitting Fitness Into A Busy Schedule . It s made for people who are too busy and can t dedicate as much time to exercise. The guide contains answers to your questions and exercises you can do to lose weight that don t take up much time. Hope this helps.

spare 30 minutes a day to speed walk. Trust me, it will work in a few months, since you are running around from day to day with your hectic schedule anyways.

Try to get more information on dieting, weight loss articles, health and fitness articles, weight loss forum and BMI calculator at my profile and get the advise from them to lose weight fast and healthy.