Sunday, July 14, 2019

Ways to lose weight fast? -

ok well im 15 yrs old, 5 3 and 136 poundsim not happy with my weighti want to lose 30 pounds...FASTi dont care if i have to starve myself i just want to fastand ive tried diets but i always give upim like addicted to foodwhat can i do to stop myself from always eatingand how can i lose weight fast?

go starve!If you do decide to starve when you decide to eat again all the food will be added as fat to your body starving is lose, lose situation.cut out fats and sugars, and try some exercise

drink lots of water, and eat regularly. don t starve yourself, because once you start eating again, you ll gain everything back, trust lots of fruits and veggies, and if you eat bread, make sure it s whole grain. white bread is pretty fattening. you can also eat lean meats, like fish, turkey and chicken breast.skip out on sweets, candy, sugary foods, chips, ice cream, cake, and cookies.if you feel hungry, but don t want to over eat, chew gum. it ll keep your mouth busy and it tricks yourself into thinking your eating.cut out ALL soda! if you stop drinking soda, it helps you out a lot!and don t forget to exercise!try walking, jogging, jump rope, dancing, bike riding and swimming. try exercising for 45-80 minutes a day.good luck!

Try this:1. Avoid ��white�� carbohydrates such as, white rice, white potatoes, pasta, fried food, white bread. Take whole grain bread, brown rice, sweet potatoes instead2. Don��t drink calories like sodas, coffee. Take fresh juices, milk, yougurt instead.3. Take one day off per week. You have diet for 6days, then have 1 day off. It means, dieting for 6days, and you can eat anything you want to rewards in 1 day.4. Take more fiber and protein. Fresh vegetables, beans, legumens should be added to your meal.5. Do more activities and exercises like swimming, walking, jogging, various forms of snatches, swings, presses and pulls, mountain climbers, sprinting, squats, lunges, deadlifts, clean presses, etcHave a fun weight lose !Check out our Lose Weight Fast Tips and Guide

You always give up, because diets DONT work. It has to be a whole lifestyle change of healthy eating and working out. I know it sucks waiting for the results, but they will look much better and will last longer and you feel GREAT. When you starve yourself your body goes into starvation mode and actually slows your metabolism, so as soon as you start eating again (which you have to at some point) your going to gain the weight back right away!

You are young not fully grown yet you need all the elements the vitamins minerals proteins to develope your body and mind You need proper nourishment to feed your brain yes we need food for our brains bad food = depression lazyness etc good food = natural high happiness good sense of balance etc eat enjoi life enjoi your age it comes around only once bless you

Your body will 100% reject any kind of starvation diet, so don t try it.What you can do is have a diet high in protein and fiber, low in fat and completely cut out empty calories like sugary drinks (juice, soda) and potato chips.Eat 5-6 small meals daily.Drink lots of water.Stop eating when you are no longer hungry.. .don t wait for the i can t eat another bite ... or even the wow I m full feeling.Exercise!Lastly: set realistic goals. You aren t going to lose weight fast. No one does. Lose 1 or 2 pounds a week is the best you can do for yourself.

You can lose weight if you tried correct method. I tried many method, but could not lose weight. I found the best method that works very well for anyone. I lost my weight easy using this diet method. You should have look correct information that works. I lost 20 pounds after 35 days with this diet method. I highly recommend you. You can get more information here

excercise , if u excercise it will be faster than starv urself hell starv urself and excercise this will be the fastest but if u cant stop eating ( like me ) excercise like there is no tomorrow , tell u whatgo and get urself a heart rate monitor and try to burn 1000 calorie a day when u excercise , in 3 days u will lose a 1b if u want more do more , good luck

I ve learned how to lose weight fast. And the best way to do this is Eat salads as main meals with something light like, 1-2 Slices of wholemeal bread, or a roll, new potatoes or rice. Raisins as snacks, yogurts, grapes. Swap sugary drinks for water. Exercise is the key to keep weight off so make sure you exercise for 10-20 minutes 3-4 times per week. click here for more info.

u still on the development period. if u eat much in normal context, let it be. if u limits ur nutrition supply for ur body, and next u will have a unpleasant body shape. worse, maybe u wont have enough height to kiss ur lover xPhehe. much, and keep on sporting. do very active and healthy activities: SWIM!

its simple. see this site and learning carefully cause in this site has training method how to losing 80 pounds in a short time. please check it out! your advice is in here!

if you really want to lose your weight.don t worry.exercise daily with some hard workouts and drink fresh juices.for more info visit the below website.

Use acai berry and colon cleanse pills it work with me i lost about 24 lbs in just 2 months

So are there 7 fastest ways to lose weight? Yes, there are! This is no magic trick or miracle. It just needs sensible implementation. Think you can manage that? If so, read on!1. Drink water ��No, you don��t have to fill up like a tub, but ensure that you drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day. Don��t substitute for juice. Your body should always be hydrated. Your kidneys will thank you as it can easily flush out the waste. With adequate water intake your body will be able to metabolize fat more effectively. And if you have a glass of water 10-15 minutes prior to your meal, you will feel full once you start eating. Another fun fact, did you know that you can lose 62 calories by drinking ice cold water? But it��s better to drink it between meals or before meals, so that your food gets digested properly.Check out the 10 Ways How Water Helps You to Lose Weight �� for more details.2. Eat 5 times a day ��Start with breakfast. The more you eat for breakfast, the less food you will want to eat at night. Please, don��t skip this meal as you��ll end up devouring everything in sight for the rest of the day. You don��t need to gobble up 5 large meals, just 3 meals of a sensible size and 2 delicious yet low calorie snacks. Eat sensibly so your body doesn��t crave for food. If you treat your body right it won��t demand for more attention!3. Use weights ��Needless to say, exercise is crucial to weight loss. You can��t expect to sit on the couch all day, sip water and lose weight. Join a good gym that lets you work with weights. It will help you build muscle and your metabolism rate will increase. You��ll soon see the fat come off and in its place muscle will develop.4. Use smaller plates in dark colors ��metlox_poppytrail_vernon_lotus_midnigh��The hotel industry has changed the way we look at food. Today a regular burger can feed an elephant. Well, almost! Check your portions the next time you dine out. You don��t need to finish every morsel. So, what you should do is ask your waiter to put half of your meal into a doggy bag before it even makes to the table. This way you will not be tempted and you will feel full eating less. And you will have something for breakfast too!Recommended Weigh Loss Posts: * 10 Easy Weight Loss Rules You Must Know �� * 23 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight �� * 5 Best Low Calorie Snacks ��When eating at home, it��s better to get rid of the huge plates you usually use. Substitute them with small ones - when food starts to fall off, you��ll know it��s enough. Try to get these new plates in dark colors. Dark blue will be your best choice since it��s the #1 color that fights off the appetite (just look at the picture above, I already can��t even think about food). Avoid red, orange and yellow in your dining area - they are the ones making your appetite go sky high! (Think McDonalds�� logo and you��ll do fine - do you think the colors they use were random?)5. Read between the lines ��cola-canFood and drink products are all out to get you. They scream ��Buy me! Buy me!��. It could be ��fat free�� but it could still have a lot of calories. You need to analyze the nutrition label on the cover. The number one example of this is sodas. Find out what��s good for you and what isn��t. Knowing in advance can help you stay away from products that are calorie-enriched. Oh, and when shopping for groceries, avoid the aisles with cookies, frozen pizzas and ice-cream - it��s not the best place to test your will-power.6. Keep a journal ��It helps to document what you eat. This way you can keep track and evaluate your eating habits at the end of each week. Ask your dietician to look at your journal and suggest improvement points. I found it helpful to measure myself with a meter every morning. Every time I skipped dinner, my waist was a little bit smaller - and that��s what gave me the strength to get my appetite under control. Check out 12 Tips on How to Keep a Food Journal �� for the ideas.7. Don��t punish yourself ��Go easy on yourself at least one day in a week. If you begin to dislike your diet then there��s something wrong. Find a diet that suits your body type and your lifestyle.You will definitely see results with these 7 fastest ways to lose weight. If you��re motivated enough to stick to the regime, you��ll get there faster than ever! Stay committed!I can��t wait to hear from you about your weight-loss experience, guys! And if you know other great ways to loose weight, please share them in the comments, I��d love to hear how you tackle the weight problem!

Losing weight fast and in a healthy way is not as hard as you may think. In fact, it can be pretty easy. Just cutting soda and sugary drinks from your diet COMPLETELY is just one awesome way to lose weight fast easy and healthily. (I lost 10 pounds alone only with that one change) That along with the other tips I m going to share below (all are very safe and healthy) and you will be on your way to easily losing the weight and keeping it off.As cliche as it may sound you gotta eat your veggies. They are amazingly good for you, also raw nuts (almonds are best) fruits, and 100% whole grain breads instead of white flours (white flour is very bad for you, read up on it if you get the chance!) Try and stay away from fried foods and fast food as much as possible, and other empty calories and foods that provide you no nutrients, like ice cream/candy/cake etc. Common sense goes a long way with what foods to eat and how to be healthy, so use it :)Building healthy eating habits and keeping the weight off in the long term is what you should really strive for. Also, make sure you don t count calories, it can drive you CRAZY! Just eat GOOD calories, and when your satisfied, stop eating. Try to eat more meals a day and portion them smaller, it really is proven to speed up your metabolism and burn fat way faster.Just be persistent, set goals, make little changes and stick with them. You will get to where you want to be. You really have to want it, I did, and I m at my goal weight now. Please check out my blog, I think you will enjoy the information and my weight loss story. The link is below, good luck!