Saturday, September 14, 2019

How do i lose weight,without gaining muscle in my legs??? -

ok,so im 5 foot, 1 1/2 in. an i weigh 105 lbs. i want to lose 10 lbs,but i have been running on the treadmill and my calves started to kinda like feel more musculer,basically i just want to lose weight and not have any muscle on my legs,i want them to be skinny,and will running on the treadmill make them get skinnier and make me skinnier all over or will it gain muscle on my legs..? if you have any suggestions on how to lose weight off of my legs,then please tell.thanks,(:*10 points to best answer*

have you tried thsi work out video?��

got an excersize for you that focuses where your legs rub together to BURN not build muscle in the area1. stand feet at shoulds width apart2. squat3. stick your butt out4. keeping your butt sticking out, stand up until at position 1.

Why in the world do you want to lose 10 pounds??? That is not a healthy weight. I m 5 2 and weigh 120...muscular legs and all! What is wrong with muscle? Running on the treadmill won t make your already skinny legs any more muscular.

You are the perfect weight for your height. I don t know why so many girls this height want to lose 10 lbs. Muscle is good. Gain the muscle. If you were 120 lbs of muscle, you would be HOT!

jogging doesn t build much muscle, so don t worry.

eat wen ur hungry, stop wen ur full, dont eat things u dont like.