Tuesday, September 10, 2019

What r good exercises that make you lose weight fast? -

IM on a diet but i also need exercize 2 loose weight fasterany ideas?

Walk...it s easy, no equipment needed, just shoes.If you have a treadmill, (I got one for $65.00 at a thrift store) walk as fast as you can for as long as you can. Do this everyday and increase your speed and the amount of time you walk. If you don t have a treadmill, walk outdoors or in a mall. Remember to stay safe. Also drink plenty of pure water. Some people don t realize that eating a breakfast speeds up your metabolism and actually helps you lose weight faster. Good luck.

Stop doing Refrigerator Lunges...:-)

Swimming is the fastest calorie burner. Swim in a YWCA, YMCA or any high school pool in your area. Ask your orthopedic Dr.If you don t believe me. It s the safest form of exercise also. Orthopedists recommend it for rehabilitation purposes. It s much safer than lifting weights, power machines etc. Walking is the next best a lit of miles per day.

To really drop the LBs you re going to need to do some cardio. Jogging is the best way I know. Takes no equipment besides youreself ;). Also drink a ton of water. This will help oxygenate your blood and make you less hungry.

jogging two hours a day; walking on the thread mill and do sit ups on an AB lounge. good luck.

Jump rope is good, so is kickboxing. You generally want to be moving a lot and getting that cardio workout. Running and jogging are ok but they really murder the joints of your knees which can cause other problems, so have good running shoes and/or some kind of running machine. Just know there is no fast and easy way to lose weight... It s going to take time and it can be frustrating at times, but just stick with it.


dancing for 30min. burns 240 calories,walking 4 an hour burns 270 now that s how to be teen skinny

Run, Swim, anything that works your heart and you could go to the gym to use the machines there too. Remember to drink lots of water while you are exercising. It helps to burn fat easier.

oral fun after running

One of the best thing to do is PUT DOWN THE FORK!

running on the tredmill,,,, it brings very fast results,nothing like it,,,but if you don t have a tredmill you can run outside go to apark or around the block and drink lots of water....

Try exercises that burn a lot of calories. Such exercises include running (jogging), cycling, rowing and other cardiovasular exercises. Heavy weight-training wont help but playing sports such as basketball and football (soccer) will.