Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Help and advise on losing weight with type 2 diabetes? -

im looking for any advise on things i can do to lose weight. its kinda like breaking any bad habit. im finally focused and ready to take charge of my health. the hard part has been living with my boyfriend. he is one of those guys who can eat and do anything and never gain anything. its been so fusterating cause i cant get him to eat better and exercise.he has finally started getting a small belly and is ready to make some changes lol.. we have been dating 9 years. we plan on buying a treadmill today. other then that.. what are some things you have done to lose weight. im looking for more long term results and healthy weight loss. any small changes we can make? anything we should invest in to help?

1 its easier to keep weight off than to lose it2 any exercise better than none3 key is habit,,,exercise 3/4 times a week...4 eat know carb/calories items as much as u can [i eat same 1 piece bread/peanetbutter every day or same bowl of cereal...250/300 calories]5 dont give up even when you screw up...every day is new..6 good luck

eat smaller meals at regular times.

My experience is that going out and buying exercise equipment, such as the treadmill you plan to buy, is a complete waste of money. The underlying problem, I suspect, is that the person buying the treadmill is secretly hoping that buying some expensive equipment will provide the motivation to start exercising that was missing before. It may actually work for a short time, but eventually the memory of all the money you ve spent fades away and you go back to your former habits of just not finding the time or motivation to fit exercise into a busy schedule.I would say that what you need instead of a treadmill is to rearrange your priorities so that, at an agreed upon time every day, you have absolutely nothing in your life that s more important than exercise. Forget the treadmill and simply go outside and walk for half an hour or 45 minutes. That will be as good exercise as what you would get on a treadmill, and the fresh air and change of scenery make walking much less boring than the same amount of time on a treadmill. Once you get in the habit of regular daily exercise, you may want to add more vigorous workouts to your routine. But the absolute, number one essential is to make it part of your daily routine.