Tuesday, January 24, 2006

How can you drop weight in 30 days? I have a class reunion and need some ideas on rapid, healthy weight loss? -

Walk every day for at least 30 minutes, drink plenty of water, eat foods that are low in fat and carbs.

You could take a lot of laxatives and drink a lot of water.

Drink lots of water, and cut out on meats and starches such as potatoes as well as bread.Also try to exercise daily. Even just walking will help.

It is not humanly possible to loose more than 2 pounds a week. If you are loosing more than that you are only loosing water content. Screw a diet. Work out like crazy and drink lots of water.

Why is this suddenly a problem. If you truely care about yourself you wouldn t set some arbitrary date to make your former peers happy.

Go easy on the food and maxamize your workout time!