Sunday, January 22, 2006


i smoke weed, very often, at least everyday. iv cut it back to only at night, so im not going to work stoned anymore, to keep up my production. i am also on a weight loss program (my own made up program(: ) im doing person al exercises every night, and because im young (19) just that small amount of exercise shows a difference everyday... i know weed makes me lazy and hungry, but iv kind of made an ultimatum for myself, i ll only smoke weed AFTER i do my exercises.... i don t know wehe im going with this, but my general question is how can i continue to smoke weed and still lose weight, or live a healthy lifestyle.....

from a one weed smoker to another, I ll have to say keep up the work-out routine and try to cut the weed to every other night if you can. pot sustains fat cells, so the les you smoke the more fat cells you can burn. yes pot does make you lazy and the munchies suck when you are trying to lose weight or tone up. so le less weed you smoke the better. good luck

weed doesnt make u gain weight if ur only smoking it once a day. jus stay away from food while getting high or store healthy food.but other than that weed is gre8 the other day i was reading about a research on weed and how it helped rats regenerate new brain yes u ll b fat but u ll b smart Report Abuse

Smoking is not conducive to a healthy lifestyle nor are drugs, but if you insist, I d suggest you ingest it rather than smoke it. At least this way you won t be coating your lungs with tar.You are at a pivotal point in your life: either you can grow out of it or make it a permanent part of your lifestyle. I would highly suggest you look at people with this lifestyle that are in their late 30s decide if that is really where you want your life to go. There are other options.Best of luck in your decisions.

You can do anything you put your mind to. Marijuana isn t addicting so don t fool yourself into thinking that you can t exercise and then smoke. Also, you can make better munchies food for yourself so when you crave pizza or jalepeno poppers, try a baked potato, garlic cauliflower, or a bowl of pasta. Good luck:)

I smoke too but never really have a problem with munchies and what not. I like to grub on my own, without the herbs. Anyways, I am trying to lose weight and noticed that sometimes after smoking I workout and can keep going even if I am tired. I think it s mainly because I m distracted and kinda forget what I m doing. So what I m trying to say is.. maybe you should drop the ho ho and pick up a dumb bell next time you fire it up.

Don t smoke it. If you need it, then cook it in something. Otherwise you re ruining your lungs and therefore your cardio. You ll fatigue faster and therefore be able to do less exercise. That s all the advice I have for you, other than that just follow a regular workout plan.

ummmm you can t. A lifestyle that is health and fitness oriented cannot include those kind of substances. Many trainers and fitness professionals also stress the importance of no alcohol (once in a while is ok - alcohol is also legal)

after you smoke it ur lazy so your just sitting there and your muscles are repairing faster. but you still need to drink protein if you wanna be ripped.