Monday, February 27, 2006

OCD - If I control my Diabetes without meds for 3 years, Does that mean I am suffering from OCD? -

My doctor told me that I am suffering from slight anxiety because I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Since OCD was not relative to our conversation, I asked him what does OCD mean. He gave the meaning to OCD as I had already guessed. I asked why would he say I have OCD? He stated that you have controlled your diabetes to a excellent degree for almost 3 years without medication, you would have to be OCD to do so. BACKGROUND HISTORY - My doctors have warned me more than once to get control of my sugar and loss weight, they recommended a weight loss program 3 years ago, I lost 65 pounds and have maintained my weight loss and controlled my sugar. So instead of insulting me with not taking care of myself, I have been giving another medical condition insult, of basically being mentally ill, in the form of OCD. By the way, I am with an HMO.What do you think?

You should realize that you are indeed part of a small minority that manages to lose that much weight and control their diabetes without meds. That takes incredible discipline and very strict and regimented eating, therefore many people would consider you to be wound pretty tight. Are you a happy person? Are you enjoying life and spending time with friends/family? I wonder if he got a very anxious or unfulfilled vibe from you. It s very common to be anxious or depressed with diabetes, because let s face it, our outlook is not very rosy, and the regimen and frustrations with BG s can really get to you. So just be aware of your emotions around this disease and don t be afraid to seek counseling or medication if you need it. Seek a balance in your life so that you are controlling your diabetes without letting it control you.

Just because you are doing what the Dr. told you to do to control your blood sugars does NOT make you OCD. And you don t have to have OCD to be able to do it either. Now that doesn t mean you don t have OCD, I don t know if you do but diagnosing you ONLY on the grounds of your doing what your supposed to do is so not who to diagnose it. keep up the good work on the diabetes front and just let that other stuff roll off your back. If it bothers you a lot then go get a second opinion.

Your doctor is a jerk!!! You should be so proud of yourself as should he for having you as a compliant patient. This just goes to show how little some doctors know about diabetes. Keep up the good work!!!