Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Am i loosing too much Weight in a week? -

i am NOT on a diet, and I am NOT starving myself. I am on a healthy balanced diet + smaller portions, and i am doing about 4 hours of daily activityevery day activity that i have always done and HAVE TO DO;Walking the dog - 60 minsWalking dog - 30 minsWalking to work - 30 minsWalking from work , uphill 30mins and i have added some cardio exercises1hr jogGeneral aerobics and some tone work - 30 mins in 2 DAYS I have already lost 1.5lbs.but I know that an healthy weight loss is 1-2 lbs a WEEK. so if i loose 1.5lb every 2 days, that is 5.25lbs in one week

Don t weigh yourself so often. Your weight fluctuates a couple pounds throughout the day, so weighing yourself often doesn t really reflect your true weight. Weigh yourself once a week at the same time (ie Monday morning before breakfast) to get a more accurate picture of your weight. You sound like you re doing the right thing by exercising - good luck to you and don t worry about the 1.5 lbs because of the fluctuations I explained.

First off, congratulations that is a real achievement. The trick is to keep it up. Walking is great exercise and even better you have incorporated it into your daily routine.Eating 5 small meals is much better than 3 large. It keeps your blood sugars more level and you are less likely to store fat from excess calorie intake.It looks like you really don t need any help at all except I would suggest replace jogging with swimming to burn more calories, increase toning efforts and reduce strain/impact on joints.Again, well done.

What you have lost is called water weight. When you change something in your routine this is how your body reacts. You seem to be very active just keep it up. In a week or so you will start losing less weight. Don t weight yourself so often :) good luck

GUARANTEED SENSIBLE ways to lose weight is diet: no more than 1200 cal per day and exercise; workout 3 times a week minimum for 30 minutes.

It s really nice to hear that you are thinking about doing it the healthy way.People who are overweight tend to lose weight at a much faster rate than people who aren t. The rate at which you are losing weight will not continue, it will begin to slow down almost immediately and I would be very surprised if you had lost 5lbs in a week.If you do find that you have lost this much you need to take some steps to ensure that the weight loss is not so rapid as this can cause a number of problems. If you lose weight too quickly, your body will assume it is being starved and will store anything you feed it as fat. Also, when/if you do start eating again, the weight will pile straight back on. So you may want to consider either upping your calorie intake, this should be 2000-2500 calories a day for a healthy person, however, if you are trying to lose weight it can be reduced to around 1200 but this should not be a permanent change.Secondly, you could reduce the amount of exercise you do. Exercise is great for you but it must be kept in proportion with the amount of calories you are ingesting. Otherwise you risk becoming faint, light-headed and suffering from exhaustion.