Tuesday, March 14, 2006

How much exercise should I be doing per day? -

I have been doing a weight loss program for about 5/6 weeks now. I have lost 8 kilograms in total (about 16 pounds). How much is the ideal amount of exercise I should be doing each day? I have a stationary bike. Half an hour? An Hour? Two hours? Six hours?!

Congratulations on your weight loss =) Ideally, an hour of exercise a day is good.

Experts recommend that you accumulate one hour of physical activity every day to stay healthy or improve our health. Obviously this is also good if you are trying to lose weight and keeping it off.The rule is the more intensive the activity is, the shorter the duration of exercise. As you progress into activity with moderate intensity, you can cut down to 30 minutes a day for four days per week.There are 3 types of exercise that your body needs to keep healthy - cardiovascular, flexibility and strength. Cardiovascular activities are those ranging from moderate to vigorous exercises.Here are some of the light, moderate and vigorous activities:http://rapidweightloss.nmaskuri.com/2008��

The first thing you must understand about exercise is that just because you are burning calories does not mean you are burning fat. Your main focus when you exercise should be losing body fat, and you can��t lose body fat just from burning calories.Do exercise regularly.

As far as cardio, it s good to get to your target heart rate and keep it there for 30 minutes. Here s a page that will give you a good idea of what yours should be:http://www.ahealthyme.com/topic/targethe��I do that for 3 days a week (30 min = a tad over 4 miles on a treadmill at my pace), and then go much further on the weekends (my long on-road runs). I try to do about 45 min to 1 hr of weights two or three times a week, on the days that I don t run.

half an hour of cycling on you bike is a good warm up. followed by some sit-ups for 15 minutes. 10-15 minutes of stretching. This should give you sufficient exercise.

Depends.Half hour of cardiovascular exercises OR1-2 hours of light exercises ORjust walk around the blocks after each meal

I do 30 minutes of cardio three times a week, and 20 minutes on sunday kind of like my day off. And three days strength training about 30 minutes.

half an hour, it gets your heart beading faster which is good for you. to be health you should only lose 2lbs per week, if your not losing 2lbs per week increase your workout time.

30 min cardio. and about 10-15 min of sit ups or something