Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I need serious help PLEASE!!!!!!!! 10 points for best answer!!!! :))? -

I am about 5 4 and weigh about 110. I do not obsess over my weight but I would LOVE to lose about 5-10 lbs. My school starts in about 2 weeks and so I need a healthy weight loss plan that is fast-acting and good for me. I do work out every now and then it that helps any. Please and thank you so much.....oh yeah! And I will NOT do acai berry or do any supplement pills....and if you give me an effective answer, you get an easy 10 points! I really do need serious help with this!!! Thanks again!!! :))

Ok, first of all-Eliminate Junk Foods. No matter how much you crave it, dont even touch it. Watch Food Channel, believe it or not it might make you want the food, but it just makes you want it less. Read Nutrition Facts labels when purchasing Junk food. if its over 10 grams of fat for one eentsy serving, then its not worth it. You can wayy more servings for no grams of fat and a delicious taste from Sweet Strawberries, Cantaloupes, Clementines, Pineapples, Apples, Watermelons. Veggies: eat carrots, celery sticks (has negative calories so it actually burns the calories you consume before) , Green beans, corn. Eat salmon or tuna for meals, the have omega 3 s, and its healthy for skin as well. Cut down on eating beefy stuff like fatty burgers. Stay away from fast food, 1 combo meal= 3 reg meals. They have to much oils in the fries, fats,the meat burgers, and that can cause bloating. If you want fast food, order a Chargrilled Chicken Sandwich from chik-fil-a (skip the mayo and the fries) I ate mostly salmon, tilapia fish, tuna with rice and alot of veggies in about 3 weeks, and lost 8 pounds. Substitute sugar juices and sodas for water. Drink plenty of that. For breakfast, you can choose Special K cereals, the Strawberry and the Blueberry kinds are the best:]Excercise: Do 20 situps per morning and night. Run stairs 10 times, walk/jog/run for 20 min each day. Do alot of dance move exercises. Turn to your favorite songs, and dance it out til its over. -Good eating habits, and exercises are keys to a great body. Good luck:] pace yourself when excercising, good things take time...

don t eat that much unhealthy food. eat it every now and again. go for a half hour jog every day around 5 or 6 o clock then don t eat anything but 1 or 2 fruits. and drink water and juice instead of pop.

um you could try doing the special k or i go to a safe doctor that dose acupuncture and it really works the first week i lost 7.5 pounds and it is not a bad or dangerous diet and its cheep.

Okay here we go:Start by making sure you eat (not 3) but 6 meals a day..they don t have to be huge meals but serving sized. Rules:No butter.No canned foods or artificial organic (no pesticides, artificial colorings, etc.)use olive oil or grapeseed oil as substitute for butter. but only tsp per protein before bed like 8 o clock (it helps your metabolism fight off calories while you re sleeping.)try to eat salads everyday with no salad dressing..only olive oil/apple cider vinegar/ salt! use spices instead.absolutely no milk/dairy products (cheeses, milk, etc)eat fruit in the around 1230 eat rice with 2 diff 430 have an omelet with garlic and asparagus or onion and spinach, yogurt with fresh 7 eat salad..just the mixed greens and nothing else 8 eat protein such as chicken, steak, and fish ( all with no animal by-products and no artificial growth hormones added)drink dandelion tea to clean out your liver ( not roasted)drink LOTS of water..(at least half your body weights worth)no juicesSo basically..your main foods are organic meats, fruits, and vegetables with salads and rice.You ll lose weight fast and see results quickly. !! hope this isn t confusing. i try to be pretty straighforward..have any questions email me at (:Good luck