Tuesday, March 14, 2006

What are some weight loss products people have used and seen results? -

I m trying to lose weight but have found myself stuck in a rut, is there anything that can help me get a jump start?

Look it s not easy. I lost 50 lbs and have been able to keep it off. I did it without wt. loss products. I followed this one simple rule, Burn more than You eat! It s that simple. Workout and workout hard. I lost my first 10 by just not drinking anything other than water and tea (this doesnt mean I didnt eat I just cut out soda s even diet sodas and juices). Starting a workout plan sucks but about two weeks into it (if you really give it your all) you start seeing results and that keeps you motivated enough. Earlier in my life I had tried all the wt. loss products which im not saying they didn t work, but they also had ephedra in them. Once I stopped taking them I gained all that wt. back plus 20lbs. So good luck and hope this helped

If you interesting:That s the equivalent of 22 fully-grown elephants, 166,885 bags of sugar or 55,615 heavy house bricks.And that s just the tip of the iceberg! Another 47,000 people are also shedding thousands of pounds in their bid to beat the battle of the bulge.The ever-popular weight loss regime will celebrate 30 years on the go in Ireland next year and the Irish franchise is now THE most successful in the world.At present there are 55,000 members on both sides of the border with 7, 945 people having reached their perfect weight and become Gold members.http://www.medicine-infonet.com/articles��

It s more important to understand there are no easy answers. Rather than wanting products eat better foods in smaller portions. Drink more water. Exercise and understand that the most you can lose and keep off in the long run is one to two pounds a week.

I ve had some success with a new patent-pending weight loss system. Get back to me with some specifics about your weight loss goals.