Tuesday, March 21, 2006

What promotes healthy weight loss? -

besides diet, exercise, and pills? are there specific foods? or approaches?

Keep your outlook on life positive and your stress levels down.Mainly I would say this: don t get discouraged. Long-term weight loss requires more than just a regimen of specific foods and exercises; it s about changing your lifestyle and taking the steps necessary to keep those changes in place. I find that keeping myself motivated is difficult; therefore I try to set up external circumstances that will keep me motivated when I m not feeling particularly so.Also, don t expect to lose it all fast; it may take months, years to get to a good, consistent weight. Act the way ants do. They don t get discouraged by how long it will take to build their hill; they just move one grain of dirt at a time until it s done.A few other things: drive less. Get outside more, even if you re not exercising. Get enough water. Get enough sleep!

A very simple yet effective diet plan is the cabbage soup diet. This is based on consuming cabbage soup whenever hunger strikes. However, during this diet, one needs to refrain from any of the oily junk food stuffs. Another diet plan which is used more so like an adjunct to other diet regimes is negative calorie diet. This works on the principle of consuming food, which has calorific values less than the energy spent in digesting them. Thus, there will always be a negative balance for the body thereby resulting in gradual depletion of the stored fat. Lastly, the Sonoma diet also aims at making the life of those who want to lose weight, a little easier. This diet comprises of vegetables, which have high concentrations of anti oxidants, blueberries, spinach, almond oil and whole grains. For those who find even this combination unpalatable, try adding red wine to the list but make sure you don��t exceed a glass.http://www.weightloz.com/category/Best-Diets-to-Lose-Weight.html

Sure! What a great question...the healthiest way to lose weight is to follow the USDA Food Pyramid Guidelines. This will explain what foods you should be eating each day and in what amounts. In a nutshell, concentrate on lean protein (chicken, fish, pork), vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products (skim milk, yogurt), whole grains (whole-grain bread, oatmeal, brown rice), and heart-healthy fats (olive and canola oil, nuts, avocado). To lose weight, eat three small meals a day and two small snacks, made up of the foods I mentioned before. Add some sort of daily activity and plenty of water. There you go...a healthy approach to weight loss!!

Spinach- loaded with iron, beta carotene vit C E speeds metabolism Hot peppers- speed up your metabolism by as much as 25% also grapefruit and vinager are supposed to help. Drink alot of skim milk, ceareal is also a good diet food. Alot of people think chicken is good but turkey has less fat. Stay away from salt!

dark color vegetables, such as broccoli, spinach, carrot, blue berry, water,eat more often, small meals, balanced foodprotein, carbohydrates, good fat,(avocado, canola oil, )

green tea speeds up your metabolism...and i strongly recommend weight watchers...its so great i wouldnt even call it a diet even though it helps you slim down like one!! :)

salada ,water, vitamin water ,

walking 45 minutes everyday or other day plenty of water isometric exercises think inches not pounds