Monday, April 10, 2006

Diet help please....? -

Okay, I am 5 feet 4 inches, and currently weigh 168 pounds. I began on January 2(my New Years resolution, per se) of this year at 205, but I have reached a plateau that has lasted about a month now. I have done many different things so far, such as not drank pop, tried avoiding juices, coffees, teas high on sugur, etc., eat healthier(such as raw carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower), I try to choose wheat or whole grain whenever possible for meals, and I began working out a few months ago, and now run 1 and a half miles a day, lift 40 pounds of weight on my arms, use a StairMaster at lvl 4 intensity for 20 minutes, and use other various exercise machines to try and lose weight all around my body. I have become extremely frustrated, and do not understand what more I can do. My goal weight is to be around 135 pounds, but I can t seem to overcome my weight problems in the 160-170 pound range. Is there anything I can do to change my workout or diet to help my weight loss get back on track....And I don t want the Acai berry diet or any other fad diets either, just healthy weight loss advice that everyone else has used. Oh, and by the by, I m 20 years old if that helps. Thank you to everyone that responds!

Here is your problem. You should not be just eating wheat and whole grains. You should be balancing your meals! You should be learning how food affects your hormonal system. If you eat all carbohydrates, your body will go into a insulin-high, and you will constantly be storing fat. You should be balancing your protein, fats, and carbohydrates. You must first find out your Lean Body Mass, and ONLY FEED THAT! You do NOT need to feed your fat! To find your LBM, you use this site to find your body fat. Then, you subtract your weight by your body fat weight (your weight times your percent body fat). Then, you find your protein requirements (in grams) by multiplying your LBM by your activity level (.5 for sedentary, .6 for a little active, .7 for mild exercise each day, .8 for running each day, .9 for strenuous exercise, 1.0 for an olympic athlete). Then, using that, you find your carbohydrate needs by setting up a proportion (9gcarbs/7gprotein= xgcarbs/requirementforproteingprotein), and solve for x. You do the same thing for fat, except substitute 1.5 for 9.0. Then, you create a meal plan, only eating those amounts of each of the macronutrients. You should then lose weight, as you will balance out your eicosenoids, which will balance out your hormonal system, which will allow you to access your stored body fat and burn that for energy, hence losing body fat. (You may actually gain weight, but lose body fat. You will still look way better if you gain weight and lose body fat, so don t be surprised if you follow this type of plan, you gain weight but drop dress seizes.) Good luck!