Monday, April 10, 2006

Jenny Craig Vs. Weight Watchers? -

I ve successfully lost 42 lbs on Atkins, but I have about 40 more left... wanting to convert to a healthier weight loss style option and I have narrowed it down to two choices. Please let me know what your experiences are with each: weight watchers vs. jenny craig. Pricing; motivating factors; pros and cons? Thanks so much!!!!!

I ve done both of them. Each of them was successful (though I gained the weight back within 3-5 years - which is why I needed to try both!). Which is better depends on you. Weight Watchers is healthier, because it teaches you to make good choices. Thus, even after you finish, you can still put what you learned to use to maintain your goal weight.But Jenny Craig is better if you really lack self-control, because you don t have to make as many choices -- you just eat the food they give you.Don t worry too much about which one to choose -- just get started!

I lost 40 pounds on weight watchers.I felt great, I could eat whatever I wanted and I could even snack on free foods through the day. ( Or low point foods) Vegetables are low point foods. It helps you learn to cook better, and eventually you learn to ear healthier.The first few weeks are terrible, just as it is with any diet, and writing everything down is annoying. But you get used to it.

I was in similar situation. I had lost 35 lbs on my own and was just staying there. 3 Months ago I joined Jenny Craig and lost 30 more lbs with 20 more to my goal. Is Jenny expensive sure worth it I would have to say yes. I like Jenny cause I just didnt have the time to be counting points etc like with weight watchers. You have to buy their food but it really wasnt all that different than your normal grocery bill weekly. It teached you more about portion control so when you go to regualr food you adapt. Jenny has different options as well it terms of pricing plans. Good Luck to you.