Thursday, April 27, 2006

Low GI recipe ideas and weight loss tips for PCOS sufferers? -

I ve been diagnosed with PCOS and it s been suggested I follow a low GI diet. Most of the recipes I can find are based around things like tofu and whatnot. I was wondering if anyone has any what I call real food recipe ideas or tips for snacks, etc. Thanks :)

heya honey! i know what its like - isuffer as wel!! i have great drs and now also see a dietician! she told me the best way to do it is to eat a bit of everything - dairy, protien, carbs and fat in small amounts a fewtimes a day. Pulses and things like that are great also quorn my dietician told me was great! i would like to say something about another answer here - birth control pills have been found to make symptoms worse in a lot of PCOS sufferers i was one of them! u need to find out ur exact hormone levels before that can be an option i was nearly in hosp on mine! the metformin is also good if u are a larger cyster and helps with MANY of the symptomsi know a great support site great for help and/or research! name is tinkerbelle84 on it if u wanna talk)

try the gi bikini has gr8 recipes and explains the real way how the body functions and how insulin makes fat ! Report Abuse

I assume you are speaking about Polycystic ovarian syndrome, and not some other esoteric disease i have not heard about....Birth control pills. For women who don��t want to become pregnant, birth control pills can regulate menstrual cycles, reduce male hormone levels, and help to clear acne. However, the birth control pill does not cure PCOS. The menstrual cycle will become abnormal again if the pill is stopped. Women may also think about taking a pill that only has progesterone, like Provera, to regulate the menstrual cycle and prevent endometrial problems. But progesterone alone does not help reduce acne and hair growth. Diabetes Medications. The medicine, Metformin, also called Glucophage, which is used to treat type 2 diabetes, also helps with PCOS symptoms. Metformin affects the way insulin regulates glucose and decreases the testosterone production. Abnormal hair growth will slow down and ovulation may return after a few months of use. These medications will not cause a person to become diabetic. I have never heard of a low GI diet. I am assuming that your physician prescribed a weight loss regimen for you. Any diet that balances proteins with carbohydrates and fats like weight watchers, jenny craig, etc, would be sufficient. Getting more exercise to increase your metabolism would be helpful as well.Since obesity is common with PCOS, a healthy diet and physical activity help maintain a healthy weight, which will help the body lower glucose levels, use insulin more efficiently, and may help restore a normal period. Even loss of 10% of her body weight can help make a woman s cycle more regular.

A diabetic diet. And read up on hormone imbalance - try the book ageless .

i know how you feel my doc says i might have it and iam so nervous that i might need to get my ovaries cut away...iam a medium sized girl and any diet i have done iam still the same build even though i have lost a few pounds but thats it...i do stress how you feel i wish you didnt have it xxxx

I try to keep to a low GI way of eating. I buy the food dr bagols they are filling and delicious. I make myself a meal of onions, peppers, mushrooms and any other veggies I like. I make it into a curry then add garlic and tofu or soya mince. serve it with brown rice. As a snack I enjoy pita bread with humous, sprinkle praprika and a little olive oil over the humous to serve . I always toast the pitta bread but everyone has their own taste. serve it with a large salad. weight loss, I ve lost 3 stone by making one desertspoon honey 2 caps of cyder apple vinegar in a large cup of warm or hot water, drink this with your breakfast and evening meal. IT WORKS. YOU DO GET USED TO IT. Thats a tip for all who want to lose weight.

best of luck with the PCOSthere are some good books on the subject out there - look around for anything by colette harris theresa cheung...