Sunday, May 14, 2006

Michael Thurmonds 6 week body makeover? -

This question is for people who have actually done the Michael Thurmond 6 week body makeover. I looked up the website and I see that the program costs about $120.00 (it s not too awful expensive). But before I spend my money, I was just wondering how many people have actually lost 30 pounds in 6 weeks on this program? Did you keep it off? (if so, for how long?)How was the eating plan? Did you eat every two-three hours? How much did you exercise? What types of exercises did you do?I know this is a lot of questions. Sorry, lol. But, don t you think I should be asking questions and see if I can get some answers before I commit to $120 dollars for a weight loss program?Thanks :-)

oh my god...i ve been wanting to get that 6 week makeover so much!!! but it hasn t reached malaysia yet i think? where are u located and are buying it off the internet?

i havent heard of that program here in australia, you do realise by now that nothing but eating less and exercise is the only thing thats gonna help us lose weight!!!it sux i know, i just cant stick to a diet for more than 1 day, good luck, i hope that u can lose some weight too, i hope i can also