Monday, June 26, 2006

Motivation for healthy weight loss? -

hey. Im 15 and up untill summer i was a competitive figure skater all my life. due to injury i had to quit. now i find myself with more free time and a lot less phisical activity. during the summer i was very healthy and lost 10 pounds. i felt great but with school stress ive lately ben turning to food as either comfort, boredom cure, or just because it taste good.ive been trying to slim down and get toned again for awhile but ill hav a good day then the next all ill do is eat. my biggest problem is portion control. no matter how hard i try, if i like it ill just want to have can i stay motivated to excersice everyday and eat healthy. i would like to feel good about my body again but the thought of food usually wins me over.have u ever battled with wanting to look good against food temptations? any advice?

Everyone goes thru this.Don t give up,get busy and try to shake the over eating feeling.

Just think that sugar is poison so you wouldn t eat it!works for me!