Monday, July 17, 2006

Schizophrenia pills, which donrsquo;t cause diabetes or cause, weight gain.? -

Right now I��m taking two pills which make me gain weight as well as can cause diabetes. I was wondering there are any other pills that I can switch too which don��t cause weight gain or cause diabetes. When I wasn��t a Schizophrenic I weighed 175 and I was 6��2 and now I am 205 pounds and 6��4. My legs seem to be larger then my stomach, but I��ve had that ever since I was born. Also if you know of any diet supplements which can reduce my appetite or make me lose weight as well as any exercise programs that target the stomach and or legs that would be great. I was looking to spend somewhere around $0.00 to $30.00 on my weight loss program, so just about anything inexpensive.

Unfortunately, almost all anti-psychotics are known to cause weight gain and may contribute to Type 2 diabetes. You may ask your doctor if it s possible to reduce your dose and still have control of your condition. Sometimes a dose can be tapered down and still be effective, but each person is different. You may also benefit from having a different ratio of meds. Do not adjust anything by yourself!!!One of the reasons these drugs cause weight gain is because they increase appetite. That YOU DO have some control over. Keep healthy snacks like veggie sticks and air popped plain popcorn handy. Go for a walk or work out when the urge to eat strikes. Portion your dinner before you eat (no eating out of the pot!). Fill up half of your plate with salad or low carb veggies, then 1/4 of the plate lean meat (like baked fish or chicken), and 1/4 starchy foods, like potatoes or brown rice. If you are still hungry, have some more salad.Brown rice in bulk and heads of lettuce are cheap. A big bag of frozen veggies is usually also reasonable in price.Drink vegetable juice instead of soda, or drink water. Water is free. You can rent exercise books and DVDs/Videos from your local library for free, or look online (i.e. EBay).Walking is the best way to lose weight for beginners, and it s free. Walk around your neighbourhood, or walk the stairs in your house/apartment.Drugs to reduce appetite often do not work, and many have dangerous side effects. They are also very expensive. You are going to have to fight this with willpower! You can do this!