Saturday, August 26, 2006

Healthy weightloss? -

I have been trying to loose weight without exercise and its not seeming to work. any suggestions for healthy weight loss?

You can t lose weight in a healthy manor without exercise. You don t have to do crazy amounts of exercise. Go for a walk, ride a bike, go swimming, get a dance DVD and dance. Whatever is fun, but that gets your heart rate up. You also need to be sure to drink lots of water, eat lots of fiber, stay away from sugar. Losing weight is not an easy thing to do (if it was, everyone would be skinny) and requires physical work.

Well the noraml response that people say is to eat less hahaha NNNNNOOOOO!!!!!! Thats not the solution you eat the normal amount of food you would eat but eat that amount of food with the same amount but in healther foods like fruits and vegatables and steak or fish. So remember don t eat less or don t eat at all and you ll get even bigger. When you ahev all this food then you justs top eatting then your bodys hormones start to build up more fat to prevent you from like dieing. So just stick with the same amount of food and try not to eat too much food. Espacialy if its fatty foods.

Drink big glasses of water before you eat. That ill fill you up. Eat lots of veggies and things. Do lots of exorcise. But drinking ater fills you up and you dont get as hungry.