Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Losing Weight!? -

I am trying to lose 55lbs. I weigh 190 right now and want to get down to at least 135. This morning I went to the community gym and walked fast on the treadmill for 25 mins and did the elliptical set on the weight loss program for 25 mins. Is this enough cardio or should I do more? Also I want to start lifting weights, is that a good idea?

First don t worry about weight. Check your body fat, from your goals, I m assuming you are female so normal is 22 to 25%, lean is 17 to 22% if you are a male normal is 15 to 18% and lean is 10 to 15%.Check your heart rate while doing aerobics, 30 to 40 mins of cardio is enough to lose weight. Weight lifting is great for toning up and keeping the flabby look away. Start slow work your way up.I do 30 mins of cardio and 30 mins of weights three days a week, I also take 1.5 hrs of Tae Kwon Do two days a week, then I take the weekends off. So far I ve lost 60+ lbs and my body fat is down to under 17%. Yes it took some time a little over two years in fact, my weight loss is slowing down, I lost most of my weight the first year, year and a half.KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!Start slow don t get discourage. If you were like me you didn t just put 55 lbs on overnight so don t expect to lose it overnight.Good luck

as long as you do it for at least 40 minutes everyday it should be enough. when u start lifting weights do more repetitions of less weight, and do no not do the same exercises everyday. also it is important to warm up before u stretch.

I weighed 190 as well. I did about an hour of cardio every other day. On the days I didnt do cardio, i did toning excercises, mainly pilates. If your gonna lift weights, i would suggest light weight and more reps. You should have just enough weight on the machines to tire your muscles after 15 reps. Youll just get bulky muscle if you lift to much. Pilates was my savior. After 2 years of good diet and exercise, im down to 140. The last 10 have been hard, had to really up the cardio. But i have faith you can do it.