Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Oklahoma City Doctor to Prescribe Phentermine? -

Does anyone know of one? I gotta get a jump start to a weight loss program! I m going crazy obsessing over my weight all day, every day.

First of all, doctors are the last people you want to ask about nutrition and secondly, why would you want make believe health anyway. Starvation is NOT the way to lose weight in a healthy way. Diets are designed to keep you dependent upon dieting and starvation is what that is all about, at a dire cost to your health. There is a lot of misinformation about losing weight and the statistics show the results. Over 80% are overweight and 30% are OBESE in America today.You need to address the root cause of your weight problem, not abuse your body and punish your health. You will end up like 53% of Americans that are chronically ill or 80% that are overweight and shortening their lives by the typical starvation method.Low fat diets are destructive and promoted by people that are either ignorant or have a financial incentive to promote it; it is simply NOT good science and certainly not good nutritional advice.A good start for you is to get educated instead of being indoctrinated and buy the book called, Life Without Bread by Christian Allan, Ph.D. Realize that fat is your friend, not the enemy, but learning what fats are good and bad are very important for you to know.A good suggestion is to see a Certified Nutritional Therapist that can truly help you.good luck to you

Hey, did you ever find an answer? i am also in OKC looking for a Dr. to prescribe Pentermine. please email me back at grover_kel@yahoo.com! I need you! haha